Buenos dias amigos,
Final leg of the journey underway now as we flew into Santiago a couple of days back. Stayed long enough to attend a footy match between U De Chile and La Serena (where we are now)! The game was average but the attitude of the crowd was brilliantand provided all the half time entertainment needed by provoking the police (in riot gear) through chants and banners to come charging into the crowd, who then retorted by causing a mini riot and hurling anything they could at the police!!! Amazingly there were no arrests and the local guy we were with said this was pretty normal! Even more amazingly we made it out alive and, having called in at Valparaiso for a couple of days, are now ready to leave Chiles largely polluted cities behind and hit the Atacalma desert, Take titicaca and the grand finalie at Machu Picchu. Best wishes to those working hard at work or at uni and just so you don't get too jealous, Juan lost his phone and I lost my charger rendering my phone useless. What a pair! Laters, tom.
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