fantastic reading your blog, makes me laugh no end, but i feared for your safety!! sounds like you met some right old characters, and seen some wonderful things. Looking forward to reading about Oz, and reliving some memories. Take Care Neilx
Hey guys - both the last sets of pics were really cool - loved the boot / hat / puffa pics - very cool. Looks like your having a fab time - take care of each other - look forward to the Oz pics ;-)))
not the same here without you 2 serious hope your both having a great time pip x
Hello again P's there are some great photos of you Amazon trek and a very in depth blog. I'm not sure where you are now proberly having breky or a beer some where. I hope its good. Look forward to Sat nite. Take care love u loads God Bless mumXXXXXXX
Hi Carol and Tom,
I've been really missing you already. I have just had a mammoth catch up on your 2 blogs so far and a slidewhow of your photos. Your blogs are wonderful, they really describe everything so well. I'm so glad to see it through your experience, I know I could never do it. You sound like you are really enjoying yourselves, and I just hope you aren't getting too tired and manage to keep yourselves and your feet well.
Lots of Love Hannah xx
Josie Jo
Oh wow Coatsie, you're having the best time ever judging by your pictures and blog! Lovin it ... and you've only just begun! Awesome!
Keep all the updates coming please .. it helps to keep us 'clones' sane! lol! Miss ya Coatsie, take care of each other and 'Go for it!' xx
What a fantastic blog you have written this time guys, Im really enjoying hearing about it, it takes me totally to your world - great pics too. Love it x x x Take care guys x
Hi Sweet P's. Well! another chapter. I think you will be able to make a book when you get back. it sounds as if you are having a lot of fun. Photo's are brill. You will need another camera before long as I think this one will be worn out soon. Looking forward to the next episode of "Carol & Tom in the Amazon". He he. It was great last nite seeing you. Still can't get over the fact that I can see u on the other side of the world thanks you both for setting up the web cam etc. Love you loads take care and don't forget to check your boots each morning. Love you God Bless Mum. XXXXXXXXX
Kate Ilott
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Looks like you're having the most amazing time both of you.... Lucky indeed, little Carol!!!! I'm sooooo envious! xxxxxx p.s. I cannot believe you found a little lady, littler than you... I'm searching the Guiness Book of Records as we speak to see if you've unknowingly set a new record ;-) x
Ello my little globe trotters,
This blog thing is great. Your pictures look amazing. Keep safe and skype me soon as you can I want to hear everything. Love you my bestest bird. xxxxxxx
Michelle Gardiner
you look like you are having fun.
Looking forward to reading the next blog. :)
Take care have fun
Love from Michelle
Amazing guys - you must be having the best time. Its so brilliant to be able to come with you so to speak. Cant wait for the next blog and pics. Take care x x