swisstoni's livin the dream!!!!
I'm in malaysia now!!! Got a new stamp in my passport....although it was a it of a mission to get here....were on our way to the Parinthians to do our diving...and aftr travelling for 22 hours...we decided to have a stop off to have a shower and stuff coz we were stinking!!...anyway this has to be the most BORING place to's sooo hot, we're getting eaten alive and i think we are the only white people here....which is quite interesting coz we get stared at alot....especially me....i think i'm bearing too much skin for some to handle!!! I think we're gonna stay here one more night then head to the islands tomorow, coz apparantly it's school holidays here and all accomodation is fully booked!! Anyway i'm off now...think we're gonna go to a museum or something today!! Ciao x x
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