hi to you both still having a wonderful time it looks amazing . glad you had your cuddle with a koala chelle he looked really cute . shame about the weather but amazing to watch from afar . anyway take care and love to you both xxxx
John And Hilary
Just viewed the photos from Adelaide. V8 super cars and GTs look great - realy glad you made it. Grid girl looks a bit rough but Chelle looks beautiful. Hope you have made it safely across the Nullabor Road and look forward to the next posting.
Lots of love to you both XX
Good work on finding a pasty despite the carrot! I'm off to Kernow after work and will most prob have a pasty or 2 when I'm there! Have you tried the local pie floaters yet??? No its not anything rude lol!
Dad & Liz
hi guys sorry we have not been in touch sooner but here we are , more lovely pics once again how do you find the time? you both look very fit and well all that fresh air must be doing you good . gran and terry send their love .take care and enjoy yourselves love to you both xxx
Hi guys, haven't logged on for a bit so had some catching up to do with your blogs. You've been so busy! Your definitely making the most of your time there. Glad to see all is well. Can't believe some of your photos. Your climb up Hollow Mountain looked so tough. You definitely deserved a drink at the end of that. But the views did look amazing from your photos. That's an impressive amount of wineries in Coonawarra - just think how bad your head would have been if you had visited them all! You seem to be getting quite a lot of surfing practice in. You will be pros when you get home. Though Chelle think the UK may be a bit to chilly for your new wetsuit! Hope you enjoy the home comforts (i.e. bathroom!) now your in Adelaide and staying with family.
All is good with Stu and I. Found out that I passed my management report so that's it I'm done! Thank goodness! We are housing hunting (to buy) at the mo but nothing to report on this yet - will keep you posted. Was down in St Austell this weekend (was staying in the Carlyon Bay with the girls) so I gave it a wave from you!
Miss you guys. Take Care. Looking forward to your next blog entry.
Laura xxx
Hilary And John
Glad to see you've made it to Adelaide and that a good welcome greeted you. Just viewed the last 3 lots of photos and once again such amazing scenery. The beaches look wonderful, shame the weather hasn't been a little kinder but at least you've been able to get on the surfboad -some more successfully than others - sorry Alex, a bit more practice and I'm sure you will be fine! We were really impressed with your mountaineering in the Grampions - very scary stuff.
Have a good time in Adelaide - hope you get to the motor race. Love to Chris and Irene from us.
Lots of love to you both from Mum and Dad XXX
Mum And Dad
Seems strange to see you in the city again but guess you'll have enough of the open road on the next part of travels.Loved the artistic sunset shots.Glad to see you both getting a tan. Have a great time on next stage.Lots of love to you both xxx
Dad @ Liz
hi guys very interesting blog @ once again some fab pics . glad you were able to celebrate valentines day, lovely photo of you both. the koalas look adorable I want one as well. you are visiting some wonderful places, what an experience. hope you are both ok you look very healthy and happy love to you both take care xxx
Hilary And John
We've enjoyed these photos - some super beaches and so glad you finally found the sun, hope it is continuing to shine and that you are getting some good surfing in. Nick will be very envious of your smart board and all those waves to tackle. Enjoy the coastal trip round to Adelaide and try not to get bogged down in sand too often! Take care, much love Mum and Dad XX
G'danga! Don't forget to check out the Cornish Arms pub when your in Melbourne, great pub and they love to meet the fello Cornish!
I have got the keys to my new house now and will start moving in from tomorrow, my last 12 hour shift today yippee! Its looking great. Snowing here again today send us some sunshine (and heat!).
Have you eaten any random foods yet? All my love xx
PS Sent you a video of Booby making some cool noises, he's trying to speak!
Chelle And Alex
Hi everyone! Thought we'd take the opportunity to respond to some of your recent messages...
Mum, I've got another koala to add to the collection - a mascot, hanging inside Brucey - I've called him Doug! Dad and Liz, hope you've caught up on all the photos now! Hilary and John, you need to move south - the snow's finally thawing in Cornwall I hear! Steve P, we just passed through Wollongong - sounds like that was a wise move! Hope my seat in Brum is still there!? Laura, hope all's well with you and Stu. Kim, hope the sofa is good!? Sally and Simon, how amazing that you went to Hong Kong for the chinese new year - hope you had a fab time! Jess, hope Jools is getting on ok with his course and that you aren't too busy with the election looming. Michelle, apologies... we seem to have lost Wally temporarily, we'll try to pick him up again on the Great Ocean Road!
Thank you so much for all for your messages and please keep them coming! It's great to see that people are reading the blog and news from home is always welcome! xxx