Sas Swanson
Hi to you all, I already know that your suitcase hasn't got enough room for an extra person so this looks like an excellent alternative to the real thing. Love Mormor
Have a fabulous family holiday, bring back lots of memories and i will be thinking of you all every day. . Have fun. Lots of love jillian./ Nana/ Mum. xxxx
Aunty Arnya and Uncle Dayne
Have fun!!!! Wish I was coming with you! Make sure you keep us posted with plenty of updates - lots of love xo
Sas Swanson Hi to you all, I already know that your suitcase hasn't got enough room for an extra person so this looks like an excellent alternative to the real thing. Love Mormor
jillian Have a fabulous family holiday, bring back lots of memories and i will be thinking of you all every day. . Have fun. Lots of love jillian./ Nana/ Mum. xxxx
Aunty Arnya and Uncle Dayne Have fun!!!! Wish I was coming with you! Make sure you keep us posted with plenty of updates - lots of love xo
Andrew Can't wait to see you