HI guys and welcome back to Fiji, this time for part 2, our 8 days of paradise with Dad and Mel!!!
So when we left you on part 1 we had just arrived back at Denarau Marina, Nadi on the 24th February set for 5 nights with Dad and Mel. Now for those of you that know Dad, you will also know that he is a great big softy at heart and so therefore the 5 nights he had originally booked for us to stay with him turned into 8 nights! Thank you Dad! He couldn´t bare to say goodbye knowing that we were still in Fiji and to be fair dad we would have hated it too!!!
So as we jumped off the boat back at the Marina we spotted them straight away and rather than wait for our bags to off load (we got them later) we went straight to them. We were greeted by a Bula welcome from Mel and lots of kisses and cuddles from them both!! And even after 11 months nothing changes, it was straight into the pub we went! Dad and Mel had already sussed out a bar at the Marina before we arrived so we joined them in Lulu´s (owned by an american) for a view beers and a spot of lunch.
After a¨ few¨ beers we all jumped into a taxi and we were taken to our spot of luxury that would become us for the next 8 days!! Believe me when I say I have no problems with backpackers and dorms, in fact I find them great fun but also believe when I say Dorm Bed verus The Hilton, I´m sure you can guess who wins?!!!!
So there we were were set for the next week in a gorgeous room, a lovely resort and our pick of bars and restaurants at the hotel as well as the Marina. So the rest of the afternoon was spent reading and sunbathing as well as cathching up over a few more beers and then dinner at the Asian restaurant in the resort!!
As of the above, not a lot else changed! We did a lot of relaxing, sunbathing and drinking!! Along with quite a bit of eating, a small amout of card playing and loads of chatting!!!
Days that were slightly different were,
The 25th February saw us celebrating DAD´S 60th BIRTHDAY!!!! Once again Dad and just because we can, a great BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! It was fantastic to be able to share it with you and be with you! As much as dad will tell everyone who listens he hates been made a fuss of, he loves it really!! We started off the day by bringing a balloon down with his card to breakfast, just so that everyone in the resort knew that something was going on!! And then along with all his other cards, they were all opened at breakfast and then took pride of place in there room. The day was spent relaxing by the pools and then when Dad went off to his room to read, Mel and caroline sneaked off down to the marina to arrange a table along with decorations for him at the restaurant he had chosen, which was called Chefs. Prior to dinner we had drinks in the room and then cocktails at Hard Rock Cafe (as well as promising to return for dinner one night-we actually went twice) and thenit was onto Chefs for dinner. It was an ok meal but I think Dad may ahve been sick of reef fish by the end!! The staff were lovely and decorated the table really well so although it was a bit quiet at the restaurant it was a good night!
Other restaurants we ate at over the course of the week were Cardo´s and Hard Rock Cafe as well as a couple of nights at the main restraurant at the hotel. Lulu also had a couple of return visits for afternoon drinks and snacks.
Other days that were slightly different were,
On Friday 26th Caroline and I went to have a look at Nadi it self! Scary is all I can say, busy busy busy!! It very much reminded us of Asia and if we had been here straight from Asia we would have had our wits about us but as the guard was down we did end up getting taken to a Fijian Arts and Crafts market. This would have been fine if it was a market but actually it was more of a shop and the guy who had talked us into going was very persistant in us going, even when we went to the fruit and veg market he followed us saying no its this way!! We did go and have a look and as I said it was more of a shop but on going in we were treated to a KAVA cermony. This was good as we hadn´t experienced it before although i have to tell you KAVA is disgusting!! Its like drinking dirty dish water, but the Fijians love it!! More than the Brits love their beer!! Its made from the Kava tree and although it has nothing to do with alcohol it does have something in it that after a while makes your lips go num and eventually if you drink enough it sends you into a very relaxed state. I was chosen to be chief as well. After the ceremony and although we were told it was free (nothing in life is free), we werempressered into buying something. We both ended up with something jewerllery and giving a donation!! It was fun all the same.
Sunday 28th February saw us at the centre of a Tsunami warning. This was due to the Earthquake/Tsunami that had hit Chilie. Caroline and I had decided to have a lay in that morning so as we headed for breakfast at about 10:30am. We gave dad a shout up to his balcony to let him know we were up and going for breakie and his response was I don´t think you will be as we were evacuated earlier from the restaurant to our rooms because of a Tsunami warning and we have been told to stay in our rooms until further notice. But his next line was go and have a look and see whats going on. So we did, and we were told pretty much the same thing, so we headed back to Dad and Mels room to wait with them, cameras at the ready. What I found amusing and strange or irresponsible was that several people just didn´t seem to care. There were families still by the pool and people walking on the beach. Although the hotel was on the beach we were told it was fine because the Tsunami was being recorded at less than 3m and because even the ground room floors were higher than that above sea level we were fine as we were in first floor rooms. But ultimatly it all didn´t matter in the end as nothing happened and at about 11:45 we were all stood down and free to move about and have breakfast!! Some excitment for the day either way you look at it. But joking aside it did hit a small village on the smaller of the 2 islands of Fiji and also Hawai. And obviously certain sections of south Chilie were devestated!!
And then on the day before our final day together, so the 2nd March we all went on the Seaspray Sailing Trip. Although it turned out the seaspray was out of action so we ended up on another sailing boat. It gave us another chance to see some of the islands and Dad and mel to experience it also.
We were picked up from the hotel about 8:30am and then it was a quick transfer to the marina to board the catamaran. The catamaran took about 2 hours to get us to the Mana Islands where we then changed boat onto the sailing boat. From here we sailied around and in the direction of Modriki island. Here we anchored off at Modriki where we swam ashore and explored the uninhabited island with magnificent beaches and snorkelling. We all spent the majority of time available here snorkelling before re boarding for a BBQ lunch. The food was pretty good and as it was unlimited drinks all day, we were all happy!!
After lunch we travelled to Yanuya island where we visited a traditional Fijian island village. We were welcomed ashore with a Kava ceremony (only Mel and I tried it) and then we had a walk around the village and market. I bought yet some more jewerllery!! After Caroline and i had a chat with the village aid to the chief as well as meeting some of the very loud local kids.
From the village it was back onto the sailing boat and then a very bumpy windy ride back to meet the catamaran and then from there back to the marina.
So these were our days with a difference but otherwise we had a great time in paradise relaxing and topping up our tan. Our final meal together on the 3rd was at Hard Rock Cafe as us girls all voted that we all wanted to go there!! And also dad had several admirers at Hard rock, didn´t you dad?
We had to leave the hotel at about 6am on the 4th March, so, we said our goodbyes the night before although Mel decided she was going to come and say goodbye again, which was lovely, dad was still in cloud cook coo land. And then we were off to the airport for our flight back to New Zealand and a hope in our hearts that we would have a flight to Chilie!!
Join us there to find out all about it, Bye for now xxx
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