So ive already written this entry once and lost it. ill try my best to make this one as worthy of the whitbread prize!
Left early monday morning for Phnom penh, $11 and you in a differnt country- amazing. The mini bus was pretty impressive and the ride a comfy 9/10 with a awindow seat- bonus.The border crossing was surprisingly painless. The border is surprisnlgy built up and impressive looking - i think its all new. Casinos too. Strange. Neways as soon as you cross theres a contrast. Dusty roads replace tarmak and the villagy huts on the side of the road go for miles. Still everyone sells the same thing but im beginning to think this is asia. There were loads of schools on the way too, we passed many and the kids allways seem to be outside playing. The school uniform is white shirt and blue skirt or trousars and the kids look pretty clean considering theyve walked or cycled from whereever along those roads. I found out later that the kids go to school either morning or evening- 7- 11am or 12- 4. Most only study reading, writing, and maths. There are 6 grades and the kids are put in depending on ability not age. The schools looked huge and there were so many kids in them - i wonder where they all came from. Apparently like Vietnam a huge percentage of the population is under 25 so i guess thats why- fighting and revolutions which really weren't that logng ago!!!. It was a really interesting jounry neways and gave me a little insight. It really is a very beautiful country.
Arrived in PP (hard to spell) and after a little negotiation with an over ambitious tuk tuk driver we went to Happy guesthouse no. 11 (thanks stu!) great place right by a lake and the sunset is amazing. Went to explore the town only to realise that is pretty expensive in Cambodia for tourists as of course we pay 6x as much as the locals so you have to pay in the dollar. I dislike the dollar. It isn't half as good as the Riel, the kip or the Dong. Never mind. Wandered round and as per usual found the market and checked out the local produce. Mum bought you some scarfs- have sent them home in a box. 3 months i think!
Have decided that Cambodia wins the award for most persistant tuk tuk/moped drivers- every 5seconds literally!!. "Lady" "moto?" "where you go"!. It started to drive me mad! I wouldnt mind but im trying to walk off the incredicble amount of carbs i have eat as i cant eat salad cos its washed in dirty water!!! Ive started to point to my legs and indicate walking in some ridulous fashion- normally it gets a laugh. They are justtrying to earn a living so you cant blame them but it comes to something when youve just got off one and they ask you again! Definite prizes.
The killing fields and S-21 were a bit of a shock -cant say I was prepared for that. Again what we class as history really wasn't that long ago! Where was the rest of the world?!Passed on the opportunity to fire M16's and rocket launchers. Have since heard that if you pay enough money you can even shoot a cow. I dont disbelieve them.
Wednesday booked a 6am bus to Siem Reap. Everything leaves early! $4 Bargin!
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