Home stay -Laos
Following a 7 hour bus journey through the stunning mountainous Laos countryside to Vang Veing we arrived at our home stay village. Every trip includes an overnight stay with a local family. With fond memories of our Hill Tribe village stay still haunting my psych I wasn't particularly looking forward to this. We were shown into a tiny little bedroom with no glass in the window. At least the mats were up off the floor on a little frame this time.
We joined our hosts on the front porch from which she ran a little shop. Half of the homes in the village had a little shop, each stocking exactly the same goods. Capitalism has yet to gain ground here. Tangchai, our host and her 3 year old granddaughter showed us the family photograph album with all of the family members and weddings over the years. The 3 year old then picked up a sharp knife and peeled and chopped a turnip for us to share. It was quite sweet.
The ladies of the village prepared our dinner while we were given a guided tour by the local English teacher. Some boys were playing foot volley ball - very skilful. Many of the houses were of the original bamboo style construction.
After dinner we were joined for a party by about 100 local children. They led us off in a local version of the slosh which we joined in enthusiastically for the first 10 times. Our enthusiasm was rekindled when the music changed to Gangnam Style - still incredibly popular here. The dancing was rounded off with much more sloshing during which copious quantities of beer and whiskey were consumed. A full moon rose on an unforgettable evening.
Surprisingly, we both slept very well and it was with some fondness that we said fair well in the morning to our home stay hosts.
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