Never Stop Exploring
Hello fellas!
Just been chilling out on Bondi beach for the past few days. Weather has been AWESOME!
We've just been maxing out in the waves.
On Saturday we are going break a world record, the biggest water balloon fight ever! How cool? 50,000 water balloons will be thrown!
I got a mobile phone number for Australia so if any one wants to call me to say hello you are more than welcome!
My number is: 0402269228
Australia has been awesome so far, getting to be a bronzed god! NOT
Today we went to a gym on the beach just like in muscle beach and pumped a bit of iron flexing my muscles and all. Anyways gotta go we are all going to the zoo or the aquarium as the girls wanna see a koala and wombat before they fly home.
See ya Stuart fans.
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