Hello Stu & Amy. Hope you're both having a cracking time.
Just so you know, don't believe any foreign press about the England performances in the World Cup. We've been awesome. Are you going to Brazil?? If so, hope you're there when we hammer the Samba Boys later in the tournament. They're sh*te. Apart from Ronaldo, who's ace - the fattest man ever to grace the yellow jersey. Legend.
All the best to you both. Come on England.
Kiwi Im
Hi Guys,
Hope you are both well and not too chilly in chile! I had a great couple of sunny days in LA after I saw you and then home. The wedding was great, as previously mentioned. I'd not been to New Hall before what a venue, helped by about 23 degrees and clear blue skies. The photos are stunning and I'll send you a few via e-mail. The bbq was blessed with the same weather and was another full day typical family/friend social do, featuring dad the chef! What can I say still detoxing from the whole event, confused about what to do with my empty hand and wondering why all champagne glasses don't miraculously refill!
It's nice to see everyone and looks like the weather might hold till I go back. Happy (and safe) travelling to you both.
Lucy And Mark
Hi Stu and Amy. Not meaning to rub it in but you did miss an absolutely fantastic wedding. Kate looked beautiful, Ed looked ginger - and lovely obviously. The weather was beautiful, champagne flowed and I joined Emily on the burnt shoulders front, they have just about calmed down! Speeches were funny, food was good and plenty to drink. Mark and Dans dancing was one of the entertaining highlights but all in all a great day. Jody the camera man (who thinks he is now better than dad) has captured the day including the dancing on film so you can enjoy it on your return! Hope your hols are still fab, enjoy south america and the world cup! Love Lucy and Mark x
Em And Dan
Hey Guys! Ed and Kate are right the wedding was amazing! I have to admit that some of the burnt shoulders were mine! The speeches were very funny as I am sure you can imagine, we had prime position to listen to them as well right in front of the top table, so got some good photos. Uncle and Aunty held one of their legendary BBQ's the day after, again the weather was beautiful but had the shoulders covered up. Dan and Mark did some crazy dancing which was caught on video for everyone to enjoy again! So basically you missed a great weekend! Lots of Love xxx
Ed And Kate Southall (!)
Hi Stu & Amy! The wedding was absolutely fantastic! The weather decided to be extremely kind and was scorchio (lots of sunburnt shoulders). Food and music was great. Imagine our mothers dancing toa cover of Faithless "Insomnia" and you're about right. Everyone had an ace time, and Kate's friend puked on himself during the speeches. I'm sure some photos will surface soon (not of the puking man). Your mum is an absolute legend. She became hostess Aunty Lovepants (a nickname derrived from an apparently infamous "Mr Lovepants" mug she bought me for a birthday when i was at uni) and took a few foreigners under her wings for the best part of a week - what a star! She has a new fireplace too, which looks great, but the statues of tribesmen next to it look particularly edible to two little hairy guys. There are two little photos i've uploaded here:
Take care, and we hope your holidays are still wonderful.
- Ed & Kate.
Hey hey
Very slack this end. I did read your update from Penang and then never got around to writing to you.
So, is Kiwiland the place for a long term future?
When are you back in the UK? I will be there for about a week early in July.
Have been celebrating my birthday for over a month starting with the Party of the Gods dressed in togas in a WW2 bunker in Sing and finally with a Champagne brunch and wine and cheese .... also in Sing. Haven't actually spent much time in Penang over the last month.
Whats happening Guys? I read your postcard from Northland dated the 21st of May on the 18th of May. Is time slowing down over here or have you lost track of time. Good to hear you are still having a great time. Enjoy it while you can
Kiwi Im
Great photos guys, maybe not the one of the tow truck! Looks like you've had great weather for your plans. And I'll be seeing you soon. Oh and I got a job in Christchurch! Yey!
Larry J
Hi Both, still here at MX with another 15 weeks to the off. As Phil said, sorry about forgetting the birthday greetings but other distractions were on the go at the time. You certainly have covered some ground since the start.Your visit to 'Good Old NZ' certainly sounds very interesting and I expect it will be a big change of diet after the assortment of little beasties on the menu before.We are still in touch with Phil and Eva at their ends of the Earth and with Tina who now has long hair and has been enjoying the teaching. Mike Coles, George Foster and Peter Garlick are all on final approach to the big R and Mark A is leaving Major P to go into the kitchen business. Ami is now Mrs Willmoth. It's all go! Stay safe, Larry.
Nigel R
Hi Stu & Amy
Thought it was time I checked out what you two have been up to, looks like you are having a fantastic time as usual. Stu not sure if you remember Robert Whitfield (Pile Design Engineer) who may have worked at RB the same time you did, if so, you may want to cross paths with him in NZ has he now works there (Auckland) his email is [email protected] he will probably want to give you a job and keep you there though! Better get on with some Work, keep safe you two.
Best Regards Nigel x
Preston & Jodie
Hey guys,
Sorry we missed you in Chinag Mai. We're back home now and trying to settle in to normal life unsuccessfully.
Neither of us is back at work yet, and neither of us is too keen on it either.
Looks like you've been having as much fun as we did.
Of course Aussies make good pies!!!!
Keep having a blast
Your Aussie mates
Now no speeding in this passion wagon and beware the blonde PC near Whangarei, she charges visitors £28 for taking their picture!