Hello you two lovelies, just had a quick look at your wonderful photos and it looks as if you are STILL having the most amazing time! Fab! I really need to log onto your site when Sam is asleep and then I would have plenty of time to read what you have been up too and write a proper note but at the moment I can hear him protesting while Granny Woolford does her best job at peek-a-boo! Anyway, our little man will be six months old on Sunday - can you believe it!?!?!? And he is a whopper, now weighing 19lbs and wearing 9-12month old clothes already (just like his Dad - all out of proportion!!). I have been discovering the world of puree-ing as we have started weaning Sam so any fruit of veg gets chucked in the blender for a good whizzing. Although the little monkey goes mad for any fruit but hates vegetables and even does some quality gag acting when he see's what he thinks is carrot in his dish!!! He is very nearly sitting up on his own and has well and truly grasped rolling over and back again (the back again bit apparently is very important development-wise at this stage...) which we are very proud of but of course now we can't leave him anywhere in case he decides to roll over and keep going which has happened a couple of times.....oops! He is also pushing himself around but on his back, I do keep trying to tell him he needs to be on his tummy but he's having none of it! When I get myself organised I will send some photos, you won't believe how he's grown.
I am well and truly a farmer's widow at the moment as Rich is still working silly hours at the farm putting the finishing touches to the holiday cottages which we hope to be finished by the end of July. We have some photos which I will send as the transformation from those grotty cow sheds to our '4*' cottages is unbelievable - fancy living there temporarily
when you come home?! Oh gosh, I MUST dash as Sam is getting pretty vocal and Granny Woolford looks rather red in the face.... Lots and lots of love and big hugs all round from here, from me and my boys xxxxx
Claire & Steve
Hiya everyone! Steve has put a few photos on from NZ to keep you all going and see what you are missing, although they don't do justice to how stunning it is here. The postcards are coming....the words are in my head and trying desperately to work their way down to my fingers to tap them out on the computer. Forgot to say a big congratulations to Sarah H and Haydn and also Amanda and Richard who got married late last month - welcome to marital bliss!!!! We are both good, enjoying the winter festival and the skiing - more snow today so more skiing tomorrow! We will catch up with you all via email or phone soon. Take care and lots of love xxxx
Mum And William
Hiya both,
Was feeling abit sorry for you with no messages recently on your board, I suspect everyone is e-mailing to your private address. Summer has been here for the past couple of weeks, but Wimbledon started today, so of course.......it's raining!
I could say the garden needs it, but that's just boring! Have been out and about quite a lot of late. Been to the pub more times in the last month than in the last 5 years I think! Not boozing though, just chatting! For Sale board eventually went up today and details are finalised, but as it's such a specialist property, people are not flooding through the door. Am quite enjoying having every other weekend off from Will now, was feeling guilty to begin with, however, I'm getting over that, and Will seems to have good times more with his Dad now he has to make an effort. I shall be up near Stoke on Trent this weekend at a place called Trentham Gardens where there is a Triathlon taking place. I shall be taking my place up early with my deckchair firmly planted by the exit from the lake to get a good view of the hunky men as they finish their swim!!! Only joking, honestly!!!! Will only be looking at the progress of one particular competitor. Have booked my flight to go out to my friends in Larnaca at the end of October for a week on my own. They treat me like a daughter so I am looking forward to being spoilt rotten as they usually do. Let us know how the job hunting is going. Less than 6 weeks before we fly out. Love you both lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxMum and Will
Daniel Clan
hi both, no need to ask if your keeping well you sound as if your having a fantastic time. andrew and i have been very busy delivering yellow pages over the last two weeks. we've seen bits of north gower we didn't know exisited and if we win the lottery i know a house i'll be buying on the cliffs over looking langland and rotherslade. anyway we've earned a little bit of pocket money for next sumers family holiday, a villa in the sun hopefully rather than a caravan in a gale force. we're now in our third week of good weather, had our first trip to the beach on sunday. went down to langland with some friends, the kids had a great time in the sea and finding creatures in the rock pools, can't wait for this weekend. the children had a big tea party in school today to celebrate getting a quality mark for the schools standard of education. they all had to go in fancy dress, joe was a pirate and ffion was a fairy. ffion got 14 out of 14 for her spelling test. joe is doing really well with his grommets, although he does find some things too noisy such as ffion's air raid siren. andrew has lost over a stone in weight despite having two very bad weeks. i'm off now to eat the strawberries the children have just picked from our garden. speak with you soon. lots of love and miss you lots ceri andrew ffion and josef xxxxx
Claire & Steve
Hiya. Yes, I know we have pretty slack on updating the postcards again and emailing lots of family and friends and we have no excuse other than we are far too busy enjoying ourselves! I have managed to put one postcard onto the site and more will follow when I can tear myself away from our hectic lifestyle. We are doing great out here, still no jobs but we are not too bothered as there is snow and we have finally hit the slopes...hoorah! So that's it for now, we still think of you all and love you very much but we are having too much fun to sit in front of a computer for too long!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya, hope your both keeping well. sorry its been a while since my last message but between mum and ceri telling you my news, and you phoning i've nothing left to say! Steve, i tried looking for that zip file, the only one i could find was the laptop one and i couldn't find it in there. Andrew has had a look too but with no luck. Any other suggestions for me to try? I went to Aberdare the other week for work's sports day. I played netball - haven't played it for 10 years, it was a lot easier in school. My back and sides were killiing the day after. After being knocked out after the first game, about 10 am, we went to the pub with nothing to do but drink until the coach came for us at 9pm. It'll come as no suprise to you that mum had a phone call from the police (AGAIN!!!) when i was on my way home to say that my mobile phone and handbag had been handed in!! Helen has finally moved in to the Com, went down on friday night with Eileen and mum for a few drinks - its really weird seeing her working there. The following day we popped down again, to see Helen doing the gardening in a boob tube dress, full face of make up, polished nails and a neck scarf, the customers were taking pictures of her - don't think the com has ever seen anyone so glam!! Work still sucks, although i'm going to away to work again, think it may be Newcastle this time. It will be nice to have a change of scenery. Been looking for flights to Brazil for next year, flights don't come cheap though, Ceri thinks it might have something to do with the fact that i'm looking to fly with BA and Virgin! guess i'll have to look elsewhere. Thats all my news i think, look forward to speaking to you soon. Hope your settling in to your new home and find jobs soon. missing you loads, oh and Happy Anniversary (i forgot sorry). lots of love to you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum Brown & William
Hiya both, I expect you know already but you've had another small win on the Premium Bonds in June. Jammy devils!
We've had some really hot sunny weather here for the past week, and I have spent as much time outside as possible. William and I went to watch a triathlon in Cricklade yesterday. There was loads to do for kids and one of his mates from school was there watching his Dad. It was tough going and all the competitors seemed to suffer with the heat, but there were some Ironman athletes there and my god they're fit. Chris and I went to the theatre on Friday night to see an ELO tribute band. They were brilliant and had both of us singing along. I wanted to dance in the isle, but Chris suddenly became embarrassed. Can't think why!?! Have had one viewing on the house and 4 more sets of details have been sent out. We could be on our way sooner than we thought. Hope all went well with the move into your flat, and that you now have a bit of privacy at last. Speak soon. All our love. Mum and William xxxxxxxxxx
Daniel Clan
hello both, hope your keeping well. josef had his grommets inserted yesterday, all went well and he was discharged 2 1/2 hours after he came back from theatre with no signs of any ill effects from the anaesthetic. it's clear that his hearing has improved already and he's answering to being called first time and telling ffion she's too noisy when she's crying. ffion and josef are looking foward to going to lego land in july with lynsey and helen and have already started to count down the weeks. I can now call myself an artist as i have had one of my paintings displayed in the dylan thomas centre (aiming for the tate next time). off to watch dr who with the kids now, speak to you soon, lots of love ceri andrew ffion and josef xxx
Mum ( Wales)
Claire - Just reading the news whilst on my break in work. Please, please don't do a bungee jump think of your hips and your bones and chiropractors, other than that have fun in the snow when it arrives. We are basking in the hot sun here enjoying eating outdoors and sitting in the garden. Lynsey treated the Jack and Jill bench yesterday so we can sit out tonight after work sipping our cider. Lots of love Mum xxx
Scott, Chris, Madi & Beth
Happy Wedding Anniversary. We hope you guys are enjoying your new abode in New Zealand. Your postcards from Asia are amazing. Things are going well up in sunny Scotland. Beth is putting on the weight and is generally quite content. Still not going through the night but we are getting closer and closer. Madi is gearing up to starting school. Chris visited her teacher and classroom this week. She starts in August. Chris is doing well and we are in full DIY mode on the house getting ready for the garage conversion. Have a fantastic time down the bottom end of the world. Maybe when you are a bit closer to home we will try and come and see you. Lots of love and all the very best. No showing off either Stocks, you don't want to spend your ski season in plaster casts. I know what you are like!!!
Jac & Ben
Happy Anniversary for tomorrow guys, although by the time you read this it will be today!! I hope you're treating yourselves to a nice romantic meal to celebrate and maybe a tango bungee jump?!! Have a great day whatever you do :0) Take care, and enjoy the snow when it comes! Lots of love Jac & Ben xxxxxx (Ben loved his tribute photo by the way, he was looking at the site last week and felt quite famous!!!!)
Claire & Steve
Hiya. Well having made it to New Zealand we have decided to settle in Queenstown for the winter season - we loved Wanaka but the competition for accommodation and jobs was too much as its only a small place. Queenstown is great though and a real outdoorsy place - much like all the other places we have visited so far in NZ. We have found a small flat and move in this coming Saturday so Lena and Will you can have somewhere more comfortable than the floor; it will be great to set down our bags, unpack and have some privacy away from the dorms and the hostels we have been staying in. There is a bit of snow and one of the ski fields opens on Saturday although we are still waiting for the big drop of snow any day. No jobs yet as its still pretty quiet here but in a few weeks places will start looking for seasonal staff so fingers crossed otherwise we will just burn our already fast dwindling funds!!! I need to update the postcards as usual but that can wait for another day. Hope everybody is good wherever you are because we are doing great! xxxxx