Enjoyed your photos couldn't tell the difference between you and che guevara you look good what about the bites didn't know you had them have you sorted them out. All's good here just back from glens had lovely weekend good night last night at j.j's . Paul enjoyed it. He's still there with Janine but were back to porridge unfortunatel. Sounds like your having a ball and you both look good this message craic is brilliant hear from you more than I ever did when you were in Glasgow keep it up. Take care
love mum
Fiddler O'caise
Hombre y Chica,
just checking out the site. Looks as though yous are having a ball, in sunny shanghai. Here in sunny belfast all's well and back to the usual porridge, fiddle coming on though, no jjs last weekend but hope to get down to demo my new tunes with your da.
Nothing otherwise to report that the Boss hasn't already mentioned. Anyway hope all's well with u and fiona, and u aren't missing us all too much. I'll b in touch with a more elaborate resume after Paolo's going do :)
Take it easy and Vive LA Revolution
Stephen Mum
Hi plum just checking in all is well at home Paul and Janine just home from Glens enjoyed their stay. Paul getting all set fo Aberdeen (16th) We are having a wee send off next Friday night. Will be like an Irish wake Mark great settled back in to fifth year. Anna and him are off to london at Halloween She is taking him for his birthday. Dad well No sign off mice leaving Teresa's yet but all of Ireland on the case. You heard the news of Steve Irwin killed on barrier reef freak accident that puts the tin hat on job for you at his zoo ah well. Hope you are enjoying China and taking care of each other lots of love Mum
Fi's Mum
Sent you email. Love Mum X
Hi folks
chilling at home this weekend missing my favourite place. Weather rubbish Paul and janine in glens and Mark weekending with James. Tilly got her silver pioneer pin last night she was proud as punch. Welcomed my p.2 class yesterday and theres a wee boy the double of you Ryan and a rascal too. Anna had great night at Cafe Vauderville no prizes though she looked wonderful. Teresa still rat sitting dad just gone down to help Peter put traps under boards no let up sounds like an army now. Started a scrap book of news clippings for you going well. looking forward to reading your London Diary with Reikki. That should be good. Hope you had a good flight and are safe and well in China. Thinking of you tonight when dad has his chicken curry. Hope you are too. Love you always Mum
Hi Fi and Steven!
Great idea setting this up. Was wondering how u guys were getting on. Where are you now? Have a great time and look after each other.
Speak soon.
Jillian xxx
HI Steve & Fi sounds like you are having a ball we are just home from the glens (sad leaving as always) What a summer we have had. It been the best. Another great night in JJ on Sunday Everyone there. even Dave's wife( her first time) Richard asking for you. He is still courting in the kitchen. Mark at Lamas Fair today and got his national insurance no this week (imagine) Teresa has a few visitors in her castle not mice worse but hopefully rentokill will sort out soon. Joe having to sleep over on night watch. Paul's last week at work he leaves for uni on 16 having a weekend in the glen with janine. We are unfortunately at home.
Spoke to Raymond No problem but he will not be there as he is staying on in Ireland for another few days. He will ring his wife and et her know to expect you. We will email tele no. By the way our Glens number is 028 21772609.
Enjoy the rest of your stay in Prague take care and keep in touch
Hi to you both, what an adventure,just returned from our travels,should have set up something like this too. You seem to be having a ball. Pity you cant get to Bosnia, the pivo (beer) is even cheaper there Steven. Look after each other. X
How's it going Hope you are enjoying experience. All well at home everyone sends love keep in touch DAD
Just found your website address got cracker photo of you on Glenariff beach paul took. When I improve my computer skills I will send it to you. You'll have to put a photo of glenariff as this is where your journey began and will probably end.
Slan agus bainne (or something like that)
from true Gael
Bill Gates
This is the best site i've ever seen the anticipation and wonder of it all is unbearable. Whoever set this up is a genius. Well done.
very impressed with your travel journal, looking forward to following you round the world. Hope you're keeping the head down getting the st Patricks Fair set up in An Griannan for your homecoming.
love mum