One week into it and it feels like today was our first day truly 'on our own', staying at the foot of The Nut on the northwest Tasmanian coast. We will test it again in a few days time when we head to remote Arthur's River and go off the grid to really test out the Swan.
Our trip started with a few days of magical water skiing conditions at Wyangula Dam, topped off with the awesome company of Martin, Jac, Ben, Nic, Cherie and Trent, plus a fleet of 3 year olds to keep Theo entertained.
Next was 14 hours of pure travel hell, with an estimated 14 unscheduled stops including a blown fuse, fuse repair (thanks Ben!), 3 roadside poo stops, 3 roadside wee stops, snack stops, lunch stop, dinner stop, a Redbull stop, and 3 uncontrollable crying baby stops. But we made it to Melbourne after traveling over 750km. Time for a rest and recoup at Daniel and Marie's.
A few days of organising and general relaxing in Melbourne, before we headed across the straight to Tasmania. Weather was beautiful until the thunder and lightning storms, and gale forced winds picked up while boarding. A few big waves kept Bern awake, but we didn't sink (as I told her we wouldn't) and we made it safely to the other side.
Stanley was our destination for the day, so we headed west, found a bit of brekky and an awesome coffee at Turner's Beach and arrived in time for set up, plus a hike up the Nut!
We have found that our traveling peers are slightly older then us by a few decades, but well keen for a chat! And we do have a selection of 'on-tap feax grandparents'....
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Bernadette Love it Steve