Great to see & talk to you the other night/morning! Will do it again when we back from Canada! We forgot to thankyou for the lovely Thai lamp - looks great!! Take care xx
Jill Worobec
Hi just looked at all the photos of the Zoo they are really good, love the pictures of the roos they look so gentle feeding, plus pictures of Bird & Koalas but not to keen on the snakes. You obviously had a good time there. Seeing you both on these photos you have got a good tan, and look very well, Steven have you lost you razor. lol????? Love Mum
Hi Guys
Australia looks fab not jealous at all!!!
We need some decent weather here,oh well will have to go to Gran Canaria to get some sunshine!!
How excited are we all about that!!!
take care Stay safe
Peter Worobec
Hi Both
I'm back from 6 days of golf in sunny Spain although I have to say it does not only rain on the plain. It also pis... down elsewhere. However, we still had a fantastic time but nothing like what you are experiencing although teeing off down a narrow valley to a fairway some 180 yards below was an experience I will never forget. Had to do it quickly though as you will know I don't like heights! lol
You'll be pleased to know the Blog transferred into 'Word' is now 32 pages long and by the time you add in a few more photographs it will be at least double that. So, by my calculations by the time you get home it will be over 100 pages of text and with photos probably over 200 pages long. The question is whether you will be able to sell it!!!! Whatever, it will serve as a fantastic memoir of your trip.
Anyway - very pleased you are both still having a great time. Take care and speak soon.
Dad / Pete
Jill Worobec
Well you certainly seem to be enjoying yourselves at Noosa, the only comment I can make is that your hat Steven looks worse for wear, is it going to stand the pace? Noosa beach looks lovely oh for some sunshine!!!!! Love Mum xxx
Ginny Moss
Catching up on all your recent adventures, continues to look as exciting as ever.
Rachel you now have a godson Freddie born late on 6th Feb 8lb7oz with lots of dark hair. All being well we hope to see him next weekend.
If the heat ever gets too much please send some home , happy to pay the postage ha ha.
Take care, look after yourselves Mumxxx
Jill Worobec
Loved the new pictures, you certainly both are having fun. Have only had a quick look but will view a bit more closely soon. I thought the riding outfits were very becoming, did wonders for your images!!!!lol Mum
J. Entwistle.
Have just spent very enjoyable hour catching up on your wereabouts.Your certainly having a great time - well most of it.! Could do with some of that sunshine here. Will be sending e-mail this week. tons love to you both
Hi Steve & Rach, just a quick post to let you know we have not forgotten about yoU!
Love the blogs, so detailed I can almost feel the insect bites! LOL
Speak soon
Love Ben X oh and Gem X oh and not forgettin Ella X oh blast sorry and Harriet too! X
Jill Worobec
Hi you two, have read all the blogs and viewed the pictures, very good, you certainly are having fun. Jammy pair!!! I think everyone is reading your blog although you are not getting many messages. Anyway talk to you Sunday Love Mum
Steven And Rachel
Hi there ppl have uploaded three blog posts in quick succession if ur interested in reading them also rachel has done a truely spanking and stressful job of uploading all the pictures for u all to look at. Enjoy
Jill Worobec
Hi you two, loved the new blog found it very amusing, I can just imagine you writing this as I know your sense of humour so well, its as wicked as mine!!!! I think we had a touch of your storm here today in the early hours wind and rain like I haven't heard for a while, one difference being you get sunshine and warmth we're forecast sleet, rain and its cold!!!! Enjoy yourselves Love and miss you Mum