Canada - Ottawa - Sushi, Pizza, Bowling and Lac La Peche - 17th June to 22nd June
After a long sleepless night on the bus from Washington it was not much of a surprise that upon my return to Canada the first day was a bit of a write off. After being picked up by Andrea we headed home where I told the tails of my journey to the states. As I sat back for the day forcing myself to stay awake I uploaded photo after photo and journal entry after journal entry. After spending much of my time on the computer I suddenly realized that England were playing Andorra in a world cup qualifier, as I scrambled to find a channel screening it I eventually found a website that was streaming the game live. Satisfied with my find I sat back and watched the national team tear the minnows from Andorra apart. As the evening arrived Andrea and I sat back to watch a couple of episodes of Family Guy, which subsequently turned out to be my downfall. Two hours later I rose from the sofa from my sleep, Andrea laughed as I had failed to stay awake, like I had hoped, and after chatting to the family for a little while longer I eventually gave in to my sleep deprivation and headed for bed for the next day.
Morning arrived fast, my New York hangover was gone, I was awoken by Andrea asking if I fancied heading out for breakfast, never to turn down a breakfast I out jumped slowly and melodically out of bed. It was Scott's birthday so there was reason to celebrate. After getting my stuff together we headed down town for the hottest breakfast in town according to sources. As we entered the place it did not look like much but once the food was ordered we enjoyed a luxurious feast of eggs, bacon, fruit, muffins and fired potatoes. By the end of it our bellies were bulging and the table had grown a little closer to our waist line. Setting off Scott, Andrea and I decided to walk a bit of the breakfast off by walking to a local outdoors shop where Scott wanted to pick up some trousers, naturally I entered and managed to find something to buy in the form of sunglasses, albeit they will be perfect for my new of cycling and well being. After spending some pennies we made our way back to the car where the girls waited for our journey home.
Once back in the house I got in touch with my lady back home whilst Scott and Andrea headed off to buy their new car before spending much of the day with the girls on the Wi, it seemed like it had been a while since I picked up a games console control, my addiction seemed cured and I enjoyed a competitive round on Guitar hero and others with them both. As time wore on I relaxed with my book as the sun started to shine through the clouds, summer looked like it may just arrive in Canada before I departed for home. As evening arrived the cooking activities got under way, tonight was sushi night. Scott prepared the rice and ingredients as I warmed up my hands ready to attempt this Japanese art. With everything laid out we all got our hands dirty and made a feast fit for king with a healthy appetite.
Once the sushi was made and the mess was cleared we cut the sushi up and served up a breathtaking display of raw fish and dressings, from smoked eel and tuna steak to shallow fried asparagus to dried mushrooms the selection was phenomenal. After a few group photos we tucked in with a glass of red and our chop sticks as I managed to pour half a bottle of soy sauce into my dipping bowl. As our stomachs bulged once more Andrea invited over Scott and Isabelle to polish the left over's and spent the evening with laughter and wine.
The next day I awoke just before 8.00am, after a couple of chapters of my book I rolled out of bed to the morning coffee beans and fruit, hint before joining Andrea on a few jobs that needed doing. As we set off to her place of work she showed me around her collage and office, as we joked about the lockers there as I remarked about them being the true American ideals that we would see on TV. Next stop was the dollaramar, the 50p store as I call it full of some quite useful crap that costs more to ship from China than it does on the shelves it stocks. After the jobs were done we both felt a rumbling in our stomach so we decided to head to a small pub in the Glebe that served up a cracking wrap with home fries and Caesar salad. Sitting back laughing in the afternoon sun we got stuck in to our lunch where we reflected on our times in Canada and what the future may hold for the both of us. Bill settled we headed back to the car and headed home, sitting outside I laid back in the sun and spent the afternoon in the sun reading and making the most of my last few days of holidaying. As I headed inside for a quick guitar lesson everyone but Katrin and I headed out for evening activities. I cooked us up my favorite traveling meal of pasta and Veg before Scott arrived home and we got chatting on current affairs before seeing the night out with a few more episodes of Family Guy.
As the weekend arrived the weather just about held up for the girls as they went off for the day to a charity dog show after they had spent the previous few days baking cookies to sell, Scott had ventured out to collect his new car as I got up to an empty house after deciding not to join them on their 6 o'clock start naturally. As Scott arrived home I went out to check out his new toy as the sun started to shine once more. Today's task would be to make the dinner for tomorrow, as strange as it sounds the preparation for tomorrow meal was vital to its success. On the menu was Pizza, so Scott and I set out on making the pizza dough, well chucking it all in a bread maker and letting the machine slowly pound it in to a ball. After making three of the best Italian pizza bases in the world we sat back and enjoyed lunch whilst watching a couple of episodes of Family Guy, if you're wondering why I have been watching a few episodes recently it is due to a purchase of the latest series, and I just needed a fix of political incorrectness.
Once the girls arrived home shortly after we set off on our way to Scott's parents for the evening. As we arrived to their house and I was introduced we instantly connected, with our nationality in common we shared many interests, their house placed me back home as many of their possessions came from my homeland, especially the duck door hooks that are a feature in my house back home. As we sat on the balcony sharing stories and tales of travels and experiences. As dinner time approached I stood with Scott and his dad outside cooking up spare ribs whilst the ladies got to work on the other ingredients upstairs. With a perfect evening of cooling sunshine it was a perfect evening for standing outside with cooking and sipping on wine. After the feast we enjoyed a Canadian desert of Pecan pie and Ice cream birthday cake before seeing the evening out perfectly, the whole night had reminded me of home that much it had almost started to bring me around to the idea of heading back home although the fear slipping back in to old habits still worried me. Heading back the girls all feeling slightly ill after a long day and a dodgy burger to go with it I signed off the evening like a book worm.
The next day the weather took a turn for the worst which hampered our original plans of the beach, although with a bit of improvisation Andrea devised a plan which turned out pretty dam good I would have to admit. As the weather had gone sour we turned to the indoor activity of five pin bowling. I remembered seeing pictures of Andrea on Facebook out bowling in a glow in the dark hall with a tiny bowling ball. I think at the time I commented on it, and now I would get the chance to experience it. Once we arrived at the bowling hall we all collected our shoes, Scott's being the funniest with balls of fire dotted all over his sides we set the game up. The girls were in charge of naming us, pomy for me and fat ass for Scott we looked at each other wondering what we had done. With balls in hand, the ones you throw down the alley I set about the new challenge of five pin bowling, naturally my first few attempts were shocking although Katrin was holding up the fort thankfully. As our arms got used to the game Andrea then noticed that the downstairs glow in the dark hall had been switched on. Wasting no time our game was shifted down stairs where our whites glowed as our bowling diminished. After the first game in which Andrea had just snatched victory away from me we quickly got in to our second game. The scores we close as the photos snapped, Juliet this time was the one to fall away while Scott and I took a resounding lead, as the final throw arrived I was in the lead, as I bowled my first of three I was cheated as Katrin fowled me by placing her foot over the line, as I suspected Scott in the deviance I waited for his turn. As it approached I snuck a ball in to my hand as he lined up his second shot, thinking I could waste his turn I threw the ball down… to my horror it curled back as if a unexplained force punished me, the ball smashed in to the pins knocking all of them down, I held my head in my hands in horror whilst everyone fell to the knees in laughter. My plan had back fired but the playing field was evened out as Katrin placed her foot over the foul line once more to equal out the scores, thankfully my useless attempt of cheating Scott had not affected the final result as I celebrated victory.
As we handing in our shoes laughing as we left we made our way to the local chip van which according to internet sources served up the best poutine in Canada. For those of you who do not have a clue what I am talking about Poutine is a Canadian dish of chips, gravy and cheese curds. As I placed my order to test out this local delicacy I waited to see what I had let myself in for. When it came I was optimistic that it would be bearable although it looked like less than appetizing. Lifting my fork I got stuck in to the brain like texture of cheese curds and gravy smothered chips. As the pile grew smaller I figured that this would be a perfect 3.00am cure after a heavy night out. As we made our way back it was not long before we were out the door again. This time however it was just Andrea and I as we headed off for a cycle in to Ottawa city centre. The ride was so peaceful and it helped work off the fat that I had just eaten, as we cycled around Dow's Lake I admired the scene around me as we both laughed and joke as we rode.
Once parked up in Ottawa we took a brief walk around before grabbing a coffee in Starbucks and checking out the latest book titles on offer. With the clouds starting to build we decided to make our way back home as there was much to prepare for the evenings events. Hopping back on the bikes we both felt better as we enjoyed a heart raising ride back weaving in and out of the scatters, cyclists and walkers as we went, Andrea laughed as I called, 'Heads up…. Cheers' to three path hoggers who gave me a very strange look as I passed. Once back home we were pleased to see Scott arranging all the ingredients for tonight's main event of Pizza.
After a quick wash with deodorant we waited for Scotts and parents and his brothers family to arrive, although the night was made when the phone rang, after a quick joke Skype was started and the Murray's appeared as they questioned why they were out and the Worobec's were in. 'Well obviously I joked' as we caught up on each other's business, laughing at the misconception of the term pants we organized the pick up before the guests arrived and Skype crashed. After a quick old fashion phone call we got to work on the evenings events. In turns we got stuck into making the pizza's a great idea thought as everyone got creative with their arrangements. As the wine flowed once more the evening got under way with homemade pizza and videos and laughter.
Later on in the evening as Eric and his family got tired it was left to us and Scott's parents to finish off in style, and that we did as I was introduced to Scott's famous Scotch cupboard. With three glasses in hand he poured us his favorite scotch as we sat back and started debating on current affairs and past issues as Scott joked with his dad that Paul was not here to stand by his side tonight. After a relaxing drink with 1930's vinyl's playing in the back ground we called it a night, as I said my goodbyes to his parents I made my way to bed where I slept like a baby ready for the final day with the Emery's tomorrow.
When my eyes opened on my last day I was pleased to see clear blue sky above me, as I rolled out of bed and headed for breakfast the days plans were already underway, as Andrea was out getting the food supplies and Scott was making a brief appearance in work. Once everyone arrived home we soon packed up the car, strapped on the Kayaks and loaded the fishing rods for the trip down to Lac la Peche (Lake of Fish) The sun beamed down on the car as we made the 45 minute journey to the lake. Once Scott collected the license for fishing we were set as we headed down a dirt track through the green wilderness of the Quebec landscape. As we arrived at the lake Andrea and I carried the food box up the beach where we were joined by Scott and Juliet on the Kayaks. As we got to work on the food we enjoyed a feast of a lunch in the blazing sunshine, the Canadian summer had arrived just in time if not a little late however that did not matter as we got stuck in to fun by the lake. After lunch we chucked the Frisbee and each other around in the lake before I took a swim around the corner on the floater. As my arms grew tired I made my way back where I joined Andrea and Juliet in trying to catch the sun fish. The moment the net was handed to me, no word of a lie every single one of the worlds dumbest fish swam off. I could not believe it. As I waited patiently they returned, with cheese pop corn as the bait they grew in confidence, then it happened, with one swoop I lifted the net and inside was a fish, emotional with joy I jumped in the air, finally after 7 months of trying I had caught my first fish, all though it was not with a rod it still would count in my eyes, and even more it was on film.
Wanting to catch a few rays before I headed home I laid back in the sun and read my book whilst others laid back and relaxed, as Scott set off for a kayak the girls and I decided to have some jumping fun with the camera. I prepared the floater on the water's edge as Katrin stood waiting for me launch myself in to the frame, after many takes we got the final shot, my back was red and my neck twisted but it was worth it for the canon ball snap. Still wanting more we made our way around to a rock face where I chucked myself in even more, in some ways it was a fitting end to the travels to jump in to a lake filled with fish with the surroundings of green trees, fresh air and blue sky. As I climbed out of the water for the last time I felt an air of sadness as we walked back. Catching our breath we all sat back once more and indulged in more sunbathing with books in hand. On Scott's return we messed about briefly in the water once more as Scott reenacted a scene from Baywatch as he ran in to the water from the shore line with me catching the perfect picture as he entered. After packing up Juliet and I paddled the kayaks back to the car before we reloaded and set off on our way. Calling in for a giant ice cream I grasped the remaining time I had left, Scott took me up to the lookout over Ottawa where I stared down the valley to through the green trees and glacier carved land. Once we arrived back and unloaded I made pizza one last time before Andrea and I got to work on my art piece… Once completed we shared in our final laughs with the John Stewart show before heading to bed for the last time under the Emery's roof.
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