Hi everyone!!!
Oh my it's been a while since I've been able to get online (it's ridiculously expensive everywhere - over 2gbp for 15 mins.... boooo!!!)
So! Since Jasper....
We spent a day in a little log cabin in japser near abascatha (can't spell it) falls - we had planned to do the long and beautiful drive down to banff, but the snow and mist everywhere made us think it was better to stay put for an extra day - amazing hostel though, no running water and log fires! it was awesome :-)
Then we managed to do the drive down to Banff along the icefields parkway - it's the most beautiful drive ever, every corner was jsut one stunning view after another - and I got to have a go at driving THOR on the wrong side of the road.... success!! We got to go to lake louise, and we had a go at Curling since it was frozen over.
We had a few days in Banff, we went dog sledding - which was amazing, feels like your going really fast when you're up with the driver rather than down in the sledge, and we went to some natural hot springs :-) visited the cave and basin which is where all the national parks in canada started from - interesting stuff - but we learned most of it from what can only be described as a truely retro video. I have a feeling I've missed something off what we did in Banff..... oh well... times a ticking!
We stayed a night in calgary - dyed our hair some crazy colours - i'm still red streaks, but sally is now red, and since then kat has gone ginger/greeen... We returned our beautiful THOR and got our flight to San Francisco
I think I've fallen in love with this city... it's so open and clean, and diverse!! The people are all so interesting and everyone just does what they want and dance on the streets, all the different districts are so interesting to visit!!
We've had a few days here now, and seen all the main sights, Fishermans walk - where I had a HUGE breadroll filled with clam chowder - mmmmm.... Sally has now developed an obsession for corndogs....We walked across the Golden Gate bridge, went to Alcatraz Prison Island, went to golden gate park, and the hippy areas of town, and had a very green night out for St Patricks day!
Today we went on a tour to Yosemite Park - again so beautiful, loads of huge granite rock faces and waterfalls, kinda hard to describe really...
We've got a long train journey tomoz - San Fran to LA takes about 12 hours, so I should head off, but hope you enjoyed my update!!
- comments
Karen Symes Hi Seph, it sounds so wonderful I am just so jealous ! You are packing in so much I so want to go to Canada now. Take care and look forward to reading your blog. xxxx