We didn't really do anything in Westport, it was more about the journeys to and from the town. On the way in we stopped off at a recreated gold mining town with the made up name of 'Shantytown'. It was highly touristy but we did enjoy panning for gold and have the fruits of our labour in a little jar. Don't get too excited jointly we collected about a dozen grains of gold with a street value of about 10p, so we will be home in May. Next stop was Pancake Rock, which are a bizarre set of rock formations that you guessed it look like pancakes - Jo noted that they went round or covered in sugar, I think she may have been feeling hungry at the time. Our trip from Westport took us out through the Buller Gorge. This area has had some massive earthquakes over the past 100 hundred years, reaching 7 on the Richter Scale. They are due another sometime this year if predictions are correct. We took a trip acroos the longest foot suspension bridge in NZ (this is not helping with my fear of heights) and then caught a tandem zip-line back across (this didn't help either). Anyway we are on the way to Nelson and I hope it's nicer than the one at home. See ya !!
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