hey carole, stef told me what you said-dont worry, although i was hyperventilating i fully consented to throwing myself out of a plane at 12,000 feet!! lots of love xxxx
Carole Kenyon
I suppose you are going to go bunjy jumping next. Have you been to see Alison yet. Please post more messages once a week is not enough. In wales so dony spend too much money as there are no banks in wales. The bad news is that the white eagle is closing omn 4th September so no job for you there.
Jamie Kenyon
youre a f***in nut case, well didnt think youd do the sky dive!!!!
finally got some photos up! look rubbish tho!! hahaha
hope youre havin fun! go see tony, hell show you even more!!!! xxxx
Cpt T
No Stef - its ALL about the caramel TimTams! Where abouts in NZ are you? I head over in July. Oh, I don't spose you have heard from Romo recently?? Lots of Love, TOMx
sounds like you are having far far too much fun!!!! i always knew you were a flaming mermaid!!!!
oh by the way i give my complete fraternal consent for you to go crewing next summer, just as long as its on that huge yatch we saw in palma and that i get free use of said vessel and pretty fellow crewmates!!! hehehehehehehe
when do you head to nz? im still workin on getting hold of tony!!
miss ya luv j xxxx
Cpt T
mmmm Tim Tams!! Stef - don't dare speek ill of STA travel journals! Getting picks up is easy. The hard bit is getting them on to a computer. Once you ahve done that, jsut follow the instructions.
All the best, Tom x
tim tams are the greatest things ever!!!!!
Mike Kenyon
You have obviously found your vocation!! thats thebest story I've read for years......it could be a best seller.
you do seem to pay too much attention to garages though.. first in bangkok now in Aus. wonder why???
souinds like you are enjoying yourselves. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ok really sorry chris totally hungover and got confuddled i promise i'll put some on soon :)
ok so i'm technologically incapable i promise i'll try and get some photos on soon!
by the way chris brodie i'm sorry but who the hell are you?
Chris Brodie
Yes Stef - Where the hell are the photos!!!!???
i dont wanna hear anymore of your boring stories little sis!!!! falling asleep in a bar!!!! i thought id tought you the ways of the savage!! apparently not! find me a very hot aussie bird, but check she has all the correct limbs! hehe
take care!!! oh f*** that, sound like ya dad! have fun! twatitout stlyeeeeeeee! xxxx