Wongo's Aussie Travels
What a great Xmas and New Year. Spent Xmas day with friends at Mainbeach hostel drinking cocktails and eating mairnated prawns and fresh fish all cooked on the BBQ. Then went for a Xmas day swim on the beach all pissed up. New Years Eve went something like this, lots of drinking etc, having a ride on the carousel, pub then beach for midnight. This has got to be the most stress free one I have ever had.
Have moved into our new House the Rancho Relaxo as its known. Three house mates: Heiko (Canadian), Alma (Irish) and Maddy (Melbourne). Great people, lovely house and the beach across the road. Happy days!
Just got a new surfboard today too so really happy. All I need now is a car. I'm still working hard at work but I am only working one job now rather that 2.5! So much less stress and I can actually go out once in a while too! Leaving in two weeks for Sydney for a few days to see a mate from London then off to Broome to work on the pearl boat again to earn some cash.
Loving life so far and looking forward to bumping into more people at home. We had the irish boys; Andy, Matt B and Co, Lucy from Ride staying over and Lucy from Jack Chams visiting.
Love to hear from all so please email, my box has been a little empty recently, there must be some good gossip.
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