Ater reading you posts i feel really great now :-(
I want to catch a bog prawn and see whales swim!!
All i can see right now is a rubbish tip from my desk window, ahh isn't that nice.
I hope you all have a great time which i can see you all are.
Suzanne i knew u would end up catching a big one:-)
Love ya maggie
Wot a great time you all seem to be having - how jealous am I! Hope the 'numbers' come up this week and I can join you....? Love Mummy Davage xx
hiya hen,
at last I have got your blog now we are in business.
What a great time you are all having wishingyou all a great time and so exciting events
Hi Suzanne,
It's maggie here,
looks like ur having a great time. So happy 4 u!
As u can see i got your mum all sorted with her emails.
take care or ur self.
missing ya loads
love maggie
Julie Rollins
Hey Girls,
I finally got to read your blog today. How funny!! What an amazing time you are all having. We here are all extremely jealous!! This weekend it is freezing with severe gales so you are definitely in the right place!! Lucky things!!
Anyway, carry on having an amazing time and keep filling us all in on all your funny little mishaps along the way - very funny!!
Love Julie xxx
Hi Girlys,
Thought it was time to make a comment on your blog!..which is very funny btw!
States sounds good, not quite the celeb spotters that me and my mates are! Hope you continue to have a brilliant time!
See You In OZ girls! Woop Woop!
Hi Erin (and travel buddies!),
Great blog update - will keep me amused all morning. Glad ur having a fab time - sounds brilliant can't wait to hear more about it! Happy travellin'.
PS I am still missing u!
Hi Girls
Glad you arrived safely in claifornia, especially with sue's driving - don't be fooled that it is only hair raising in America her driving's the same in the L Town lol! Good luck with the driving Soph and have fun mingling with the celebs when you arrive in LA!!
Miss you all x x x
Princess Carly
Hey Soph
Happy New Year xxx
Sounds like your having the time of your life. Im so jealous, wish I was with ya. Miss you xxx
lol so funny Soaps...sorry forgot to warn you about the trees...haha we had to put up with the tree huggers in CA and also Miami lol...zzzzzzzzzz i was laughin all the time and Gurm was making comments - had to keep my face straight! Glad ure all havin cool..have fun driving to LA...u othas bes keep hold of ur hats when Soaps is in the drivin jus kiddin well judge it for urselves!! Mus go down Rodeo drive and Hollywood esp the walk of fame TC Sxx
Hey u galz been rockin da casa then...Happy New Year to you motley crew cant believe you're all scooting about so quickly...all we need now is a vid to keep us lot in the -12degrees centigrade temperatures nice n warm...givvus some flamin sun chicklet...cos believe mi bits r gna fall off!! take care hun and the walkin nuttahs Sxxxx
Hi Soph - Sounds like you are already having the time of your life and so much more to do!
The photo's look great especially all the lovely beaches and sounds like you all had a great New Year in Vegas.