Hi girls,glad you're having such a good time .We're all missing you lots. Take care and stay safe Lots of love ,Uncle Simon xxxxx
Hi girls. Great to read the journal again - I have missed your hilarious stories! Keep them coming. So glad you are having a great time.
Take care
Grant XX
Carly And Lauren
hey u two! nice to read u recent entries hope uv checked ours. cant believe the heat over here, cant even imagine wot 50 degrees wouldv been like for you! missin u guys loads, speek soon lots of love xxxxxx
Hello! - thanks for journal on last few days in Perth and messages from Ayers Rock and Alice Springs - quite an adventure - Look forward to getting another update soon. Lots of love MUM XXXXXXXX
wow thats so cool- han was on the exact same time as me!!!
so glad your having so much fun..really nice to read your journals again!! The hair story literally cracked me up! keep safe and hope you keep having so much fun love you loads xxxxxx
hey girlies! sounds like you are having an amazing time! dont forget about me! blogs are cracking me up-like you are just here! take care- will email soon, love you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey girlies where r de pics - words alone r no gd.
Can't quite get 2 grips wit de Camel fing, surely sud be riding roo's :-) unless u can find anyfink better hehe.
Have fun n enjoy dat train ride- ur going to have ridden sooooooo much by the time u get bac to UK (Soooooooorry nothing rude I meant trains/plans/cars/bikes/camels/roos/crocs)
G/day Shelias xxx
Hi girls, well Carly & Lauren have made it to Bankok! have been reading your journals and following your adventure so far which has certainly been interesting!! lots of love xxx
hi girls, sounds like your having fun and you must be enjoying the hot weather, the kids are allready missing you jessica is reading your journals so keep them up, and we need some pictures hopefully talk to you soon look after yoursevles xxxxxxxxxx
Hope the journey on the train goes well to Adeliade and you arrive safely on Friday. Watch our for the Aborginies! and ease up on eating the oats! Looking forward to an update at the weekend lots of love mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey honeys, hope ur havin a really good time, heard the weather was pretty great out there you lucky things. anyway take care lots a love lisa (carlys sis) x x x x