Hi Em (who I do Know) and Soph who I've never met but am getting to know by reading your journal!!
So pleased Nicky told me about your travel journal - a brilliant way to keep in touch. I love to read about all your adventures. Wish I'd had the chance to do all those things at your age. It was quite an adventure for me to go and work in Devon as a nanny for 2 months when I was 18!!
Did you 'walk the chains' of Sydney Bridge? How was it for you?
We are visiting The Woods at Easter so hope we can see Nicky and Tom at some time.
Have fun. Love from L xx
Hi Soph and Em,
I am so jealous, I wish I was your age and doing what you are both doing. It sounds like you are both having a wonderful time. Not so sure about the piercing though - but I am sure you both look good.
Bring a lifeguard home in your luggage for me!!!!
Keep safe.
Love to you both.
Bex xxxxxx
Carly And Lauren
hey guys! wow so ur in sydney and it sounds amazing cant wait to get down there although loving it here at th mo. how long u gonna be there for then? sorry had to cut th phone convo short th other day em running low on credit! keep us updated on ur usual antics! lots of love from us both xxxxxx
Hello dear Emily, its Ali from Zara, i thought i wud come by and check out the madness u guys have been up 2 :D so when u come bac u can tell me about ur cow milking experience :P
i hope ur having a fantastic time and i do actually miss talkin to u :)
hope to c u soon emmmmmmmmm
Ali from zara (Ali baba)
Wow!! what an experience eh!! but really not much different from my weekly visit to asda! - apart from the weather at the moment. lots of love to you both xxx
Bondi beach - can't see whats so special about that!!!!!!! - I've just run along Margate beach and you want to see all the hunky lifeguards - all with six packs (perhaps they weren't lifeguards at all but just the local drunks with 6 packs of beer each!). Anyway, it sound soooooooooo amazing - have fun and take care
Grant xxx
g'day.......sounds like ur having a real bonza time, bonsai :-) beach sounds wicked an we think the madri grass must have been a real spectacular.
there is a tour of Sydney harbour bridge or as the natives call it the 'dirty coathanger' {think it's because of the shape}, the tour leaves mid morning and evening, the evening one is best, you walk up the side, along and over the top then back down the other side of the bridge while secured to the structure - check it out, it's listed in 'best things to do in the world', but it must be booked and is veryyyyyyyyyyy popular.
Met Simon & bumped into Hess (the guy who took u both out last summer, sends his love to u both).
Hope ur ear recovers lolx
lifeguards are the way forward...... or at least in Australia i imagine they are a little......... more tanned than the ones over here!
Hi em and mash, just read your journals, so funny! wish i could see these lifegaurds, dont really match up to the herne bay ones....although harriet was always quite keen on one of them!!
Well just a short message as i emailed you an essay so speak to you soon
Lots of Love
Hello Em and Soph, Lovely to receive all your news and adventures, especially the funny bits and all the lovely fellas you are meeting,bring one home for Grandma! I mean a Koala.Lots of hugs and kisses. Grandma.
Well what a lot to read on a Sunday morning. Bondi Beach sounds fabulous, bet you are looking forward to seeing Sydney. Looking forward to seeing some pictures love you mum xxxxxxxxxxx