Thursday 8th:
This was a really good and busy day. We first went to see the Natural Bridge and Gap along the coast and took some photos which we will put up soon. We then went on to Whaleworld, where we saw pictures of the migrating whales and the factory where they extract the whale oil - very interesting despite how it sounds!
We then drove through Denmark, no not the country, and had lunch at 'chooks' (chicken in australia) Which is like a KFC, very tasty but very greasy. We're surprised by how much fast food they eat and have started to crave salad (not usual we know!) The weather was very humid down here and not very sunny, you'll be pleased to know, and it did actually start to rain - or 'mist' as it was described to us by Audery. Probably time to mention again that whenever Soph goes near any ketchup now, the old ketchup joke swings into action!
We stopped off at the toffee factory.. expecting charlie's chocolate factory, but were dissappointed to find little more than a small shop. From here we went to the 'Valley Of The Giants', these are huge trees incase any other thoughts popped into your head. We walked the tree top walk which was 60m high and felt like we were walking through the rainforest. Got a bit scared at this point because, not sure if it was our weight, but the bridge seemed a bit unstable! We also walked along 'Empire Walk' where we could walk through the trees literally, again photos are coming soon!
Lester got lost on our next stop, but we did manage to see 3 Kanga's hop across the road which was a highlight. Although because of this we had to slow down further as Aud was worried they would get tangled into the fan. We should mention at this point every mile you see about 2 dead kanga's on the roadside.
We stopped at Pemberton, where we saw the 'Glouster Tree' which was 60m high again and used to be a fire look out. You can still climb to the very top, and we were all for it but the flippies and mini skirt did not seem suitable, especially as there were a group of backpackers below!! We stayed in Pemberton motel, which was very nice reminded us of a small log cabin.
We went out for a delicious meal and very cheap at the local pub, the locals offered us our first round free! No sooner had we finished our last mouthful of our meal was Aud starting up the car to head home and so the delicious desert - that was only $5 - we had to quickly get as a takeaway!
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