Hey Smithers,
Jsut wanted to let you know that a SWAG baby is on the way! Yes, Neil and I are having a baby! I am currently just over 11 weeks pregnant and the baby is due on the 7th August!!!
So any name suggestions are welcome!
Hey kiddo, you're doing well to stay in Sydney for so long...that place would have driven me nuts by now!
Beware the Roos, they not only bite, but they spit, kick and rub faeces in your face...or was that monkeys?
Hey mrs how ya goin? Sounds like big fun in Sydders. It's so weird hearing you chat about places we went to. I loved the kangaroos at the blue mountains too. Not so much love for the rickety railway though! Summer Bay looked awesome, v jealous. We also went to Manly - great name I thought. Got a good pic of Stephen posing under the "Manly" sign - highly amusing. Hope you're over the festive homesickness. Take care! V xxx
Talking of flexiness, CK moved me down the flexi chart for having 338 items in my sent items folder. Sooo unnecessary!!! 338 ain't too bad. I need some flexi back up! Smcphie xxx
Hey Smithers. Happy New Year from the cold and wet northern hemisphere.
Woohoo! I can now officially talk openly about heading off to the other side of the world. Wasn't exactly a secret, loose lips sink ships and all that...
Isla and I will be in Oz at the end of February for Paul & Gem's wedding before meandering about until mid-April then it's over to NZ for some camper van touring fun. Back in Scotland to see if we'll be getting a summer at the beginning of June. Can't wait.
Where you going to be between the end of Feb & mid April? Would be grand to see you again.
Take care
Hey Smitheritus,
Hows you? glad you are settled in your new place. We're all back in Swagland with the post-Christmas blues. Will, Helen and Emma are all leaving soon. Boo hoo.
I'm off on annual leave again next week so I can't complain... I'm going up to the Crieff Hydro for some pampering.
Hope santa was good to you.
Speak soon,
buenos tardes (I'm learning spanish!),
Smcphie xxx
Hey hey Merry Crimbo!!! We got your brilliant card today - thanks so much! It's wicked, we were all chuckling at your fab outfit. You look well toasty. Also v impressed at the level of straightness involved in getting it posted over here in time for the festive season. Had the traditional night out in Ashfield last night, but missed your funky moves. The dancefloor was fairly quiet. Off to Xmas lunch in a bit - woo hoo! Hope you're having fun and looking forward to a Crimbo barbie on the beach. Take care! Vxxx
Hey Smithers,
The weegie night out was legendary! Had a lot of fun dancing away in the buff club. The chat was even lower than poo.... and maurice ended up sleeping rough!! Kind of. He is...exceptional!
Frances came out for a while which was really nice. She's doing good...thinking of moving to chuchterland up north. Helen was out too- think she was a bit shocked by the dungeonites. Suz didn't have any booze, but she was the most pissed-like of all.
I, of course, was very well behaved.
Hope you are enjoying your flexi adventures!
Bye for now,
Sarah xxx
Yo yo what up smithers!?! I finally got my ass on to bebo and replied to your beautiful west lothian themed work of art. It was so nice - I loved it! Missing you lots in swagland. The chat has literally degenerated into poo now - and on a friday afternoon too! Glad you're having lots of fun. We're off out in weegland tonight to celebrate mckenzie, smcphie and wilson's bdays. Let you know if there's any hottest shot in town style shenanigans!! V xxx
Hey Laura!
Hope you're surviving the trauma of being back in the call centre again.....
Just thought we'd let you know that you've made it into the latest edition of the SWAG magazine!! Do you remember those amazing Waste Aware Business shots that you posed for - putting paper in the recycling bin, typing on my computer with a random bottle of water next to you etc....well we used the image of your arm putting paper in the recycling bin for one of the WAB related articles so you live on in SWAG land! Hee heeeeee!
Suz is rushing around stuffing envelopes as we speak....bet you miss it really....
Take care,
Hey stinky feet,
Doesn't look like your feet have improved since your blisters 'n heels trauma at your leaving-do in The Beat Smithereens! have your thongs worn through? or do Auzzies not do shoes or summat? I'm thinking Paul Martin here!
Hey Smither,
Loving the photos v funny. Just thought I'd give you an update on all things SWAG, the mag has been signed off at last, only a month later than I had planned which is good as it could have been much later, all the usual drama..................Also the bush lives on, not even shedding a leave for winter so its very dark in the dungeon these days. We are reusing last years advent calander and it all kicks off on Friday, can't wait for the choccies! Hope all is well!