hiya skin paul just looked at yor stuff awesome got the cds thanks alot skinn hav a great time sure u will! love chrisxxx.
James Clark
Now then!
hope your trip is going well. you both look like your having fun and taking things easy! just thought id say hi and hope your doing well!
speak soon
Cathy & Donny
Hi Lisa & Paul!
Glad you have arrived safely- serves you right getting sunburnt too soon you should be in cold, damp and miserable England like the rest of us!! Only joking-we are VERY jealous! Have a lovely lovely time and we will look forward to reading more of your blogs.
Love us x
If it's any consolation it's cold and damp here. We are all jealous!
What a send off. You both have such great friends. We are all excited for you and by now you should be approaching LA and the end of the first leg of an epic journey. Have fun, work hard, play hard and enjoy yourselves.
Love Dad
Dennis Atkins
hi Paul,
Thanks for the message.
Remember - "The best things in life are the people we love, the places we've been and the memories we've made along the way!"
Hope you make yourselves some great memories! I'll be watching with interest and envy!!