Love reading these!! Sounds like your both having a great time and so brave!!
Look forward to hearing more goss when your back over dinner Kimberly. Love u lots XXXX
Katy T
Oh I love hearing your stories girlies!Hope you have a super time with your mummy and Danielle and I can't wait to hear the stories!Lots of love Kate xxxxxxxx
Hi Team P!
So thoughtful of you to surprise mummy & Danielle - chip off the old block! (Always remeber the balloon escapade!)
Sounds like you're having such a great time. Can't wait to find out how you all met up & can't believe you're all together, that's just great.
Watch out girls, people may think mummy's another sister! Have an amazing time strutting the stuff like you four know only too well. Write again soon.
Lots of love to you Poolies xxxx
I am SO going to tune in next time! Cant wait!! Hope you have a fab time with your Muma nd Sis!
Nothing much to report over here, apart from I'm SO esxcited about Christams as I missed it last year, feel like I'm 10 again! wooohooo!
Meeting up with the Cheerleaders in Southampton next weekend, Steph you will surely be missed, but I will try and do the splits in your honor but no promises!!!
lots of love,
Em xxxx
Oh Girls... you make me laugh so much! I can just imagine the whole trek scenario & Kimbo, you have told the story so well I felt like I was with you!!! Hope you had a good day apart! Blog again soon - we all love to hear what you've been up to...wonder wot next! Love ya both - TC XXX
Clare N Daws
Love it!!! Somehow i feel we didnt give you enough advice..... but best way is to experience it yourselves. keep smiling, love ya xxx
Well, all I have to say tonight is........" they're out at last!!"xxx
Mummy Parrish
Oops Isent b4 i was ready lol (i`m as bad as nanny) Three weeks and team P will be back together - can`t wait! Will bring dictionary with me to help with your blogs ! missing you both and love you lots keep safe
mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mummy Parrish
Hi darlings,
keep the blogs coming they are great! I am on the lodgers laptop whilst he is hoovering! He cooks dinner for me and does my ironing - he even took me to the carps & picked me up so i could drink - and he pays ! I love having a lodger, i`m going to rent your room out next kimberly !
A 3 day trek?!!Bet you wish you didn't have all that excess bagage calligraphy sets!!
A bit late but the latest update is that Jedward are some how still in the running but The Afro has left the building.
keep away from anymore dodgy sales reps!
Auntie Dd
Hey Girls - we're loving the stories. Wish I could have been with you for the dance off! Just wondering how many drinks I could have got for my Thriller moves!! By the way, we're missing Ricky too. I thought it might go pear shaped once he'd left. Goodness what's it going to be like when the other two arrive - not long now! More photos please.
Love the Root-Wrights x
Hi Girls - don't believe a word of what you in England is glorious - soaring temperatures, no gale force winds & certainly no rain... in fact constantly feel like I'm on holiday, so no point in trying to make anyone back here jealous cos we are not... not even one eensy weensy bit. In fact, we all really love looking forward to going to work every day and staying sober every evening ensuring a good nights sleep to enjoy a good days work! in day out....
Hope the elephants didn't bite!!!!!!!!! Much rather stroke my dog!!!
On a more serious note girls, glad you're having fun, keep safe & keep the blogs coming in. Love to read them Luv ya! xxxxxx