The Fremantle Prison looks nearly beautiful from the outside. When entering the front door you have the impression that it is an old castle. But after having a closer look the prison comes to light.
Christin and I had a seeing through the whole prison by a very nice woman. She told us a lot about the use of the prison in former times and sometimes she spoke to us like we were new prisoners arriving at the prison ;) In fact this first prison of Fremantle was in use until 1991. The inside looked really scary and dark. The only thing that made the prison more confident were the really nice paintures in some cells made by the prisoners. Most of them were Aborigines who even painted the outside area.
There was also a little church inside the prison where all prisoners were allowed to go and where they could even marry another prisoner - not really romantic -
The most frightened room was the one were the prisoners used to be killed on the gallows. It was a really strange feeling to stand in a room were people had been killed.
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