Tag 2, von Le Bonhomme bis Mittlach (32 km, 1332 Höhenmeter)
Heute war es super-anstrengend. Obwohl das Wanderbüchlein mir eine Strecke von 28 km versprochen hatte, waren es am Ende 32 km. Und ich hatte mich wirklich kein bisschen verlaufen diesmal!
Das Wetter wechselte zwischen Nieselregen und Nebel und nieseligem Nebel und nebligen Regen. Somit kamen dann gleich schonmal Handschuhe und Wollmütze zum Einsatz. Die theoretisch versprochenen grandiosen Panoramablicke blieben hingegen hinter der Wolkenwand stets gut verborgen. Die Strecke war fast permanent sehr anspruchsvoll und v.a. die letzten 10 km herab vom Le Hohneck waren technisch schwer und zogen sich endlos.
Und trotzdem hat es natürlich Spass gemacht, v.a. jetzt , wo der scharfe Munsterkäsegeruch durchs Restaurant wabert und die Vorfreude in mir weckt.
Today was long, wet, and exhausting. But again full of wonderful impressions although most of them were only for my imagination since they were hidden behind a wall of fog.
The first half of the walk was again dominated by residuals from WW1. First a German cementary (but apparently bodies have been later tranferred back to Germany), a German ammunition depot, trenches, and finally a French necropole with hunderds of fallen soldiers.The frontline was passing through the area here.
When walking towards the Col de la Schlucht, the road was marked by boundary stones. The path was once the boarder between Germany and France from 1871. The site of the rock facing West was marked still clearly with "F" (see picture). The "D" on the East side was removed on all stones.
But not only remainings from history were found today. I also passed some lakes and summits that were however, all not really impressive st given weather conditions.
Tomorrow aftenoon weather is supposed to change. Yippieh.
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