Sian's global adventure
so we made it to santa cruz. we left lake titcaca by the way and thankfully our rubbish hotel in puno and headed for la paz. which was amazing. vibrant and crazy but so cool. and the good news is im finally feeling healthy again!! we had one night in la paz with dinner in the top floor of a five star hotel ! then a city tour with the valley of the moon- ill put pics on at a later date. then the toucan tour officially ended and me and mum were alone to do as we please. so we got a flight with LAB out of La paz top santa cruz, which is east. flew over the spectacular mountain range bolvia has and headed finally to low ground. we can breathe again which is cool. the plane was like a bus, with lots of stops. we had to sit on the plane while they refuelled which mum says is pretty illegal! stoped in cochabamba. cocaine capital aparently. but santa cruz is nicer. a lot like spain actually. found a good hotel. beautiful main square and not much else to do than sit and watch the world in the lovely sunshine. waiting to get a train overnight from here to brazillian border. hoping we'l get tickets! then being picked up by someone called ronnie from our pantanal tour company. could be out of touch for a few more days while we're seeing the pantanal so watch this space. love to allxxxx
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