I love all your photos and you seem to be having the most amazing time. I knew you would love NZ it was our favourite place. I remember thinking 'this is the most beautiful view i have ever seen' then you turn the corner and it just gets better and better!
I love following you on your site it is fantastic to see everything you are doing.
I passed my driving test three weeks ago so i am coming to visit you in June.
Keep having the most amazing time
lots of love
Hollie and Chris xxx
hey fin and sian,
good to hear you're having a great time in nz, hows the trip been so far? any magical highlights? the accom ur at in franz josef, is that the holiday park with a jacuzi right next to the bar/restaurant where they have a log-fire? ive stayed there, absolutely awesome, try the radler beer at some point guys, its lovely.
best wishes and speak soon
Alan & Linda
Hi Finbarr & Sian,
Just been viewing your latest photos and videos, absolutely amazing. The experiences you've had in the last few weeks should last you a life time......can you imagine how boring you're going to be when you're pensioners re-telling each adventure to anybody & everybody untill they lose the will to live any longer!!!!!!!!
Finbarr, your mum had a great time with us on Dawn's hen weekend, just don't mention the spahgetti!!!! She also came with us and all the familly for mothers day lunch at the Aberhod. As you can imagine we all had a good day.
Will keep in touch. Look after eachother & continue to have fun. xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Guys,
Hope you are both well. It looks like you are having an amazing time. We are all very jealous. Nothing much to report over here- we went to Cardiff on the weekend for the Wales Ireland game. It was great- amazing atmosphere- even thoght Wales lost. As you can imagine JJ was extremely happy as it meant Ireland won the Grand Slam.
There really isnt much to tell you about....which is very boring I know!!
Actually I lie..there is some very big news- Kate has a new man...its all very exciting, I have only meet him briefly- but he seems very nice!!His name is Jamie and she met him through work.
Anyway hope you keep having an amazing time and keep the pics etc coming. NZ looks amazing!!
Love Clare
Hi Both,
I know Dad left a message yesterday but he forgot to thank you for the lovely flowers you sent for Mother's Day, they were lovely. Carry on having an amazing time and keep posting your blogs and photos. xxxxxx
Richard And Dawn
Hi both,
I decided to leave you a message after reading your blog. It could be that byou have'nt been getting many because its hard to compete with your experiences !. Although Dawn was excited at seeing her first ever badger the other night, it does'nt really compete with whales and dolphins. Anyway we are not quite so jealous of your weather now, althogh i expect that will change when you get to Fiji !. Your photos look great and i am that Fin tried the beer, there's hope yet. The mini is fine, although some of my friends think i'm having a mid life crisis. Nothing much new here, just work, you know how it is ?, oh i forgot you don't !!.
Enjoy yourselves and take care.
Lots of love.
Happy Birthday Gangan!! xxx
Hi both!
Well, it look like your having an amazing time still. Fin, how was the diving, did you get a qualification? The fish and coral looks amazing!
I'm heading off to Kenya on Wednesday for a month- I can't wait, I hope to get some diving in too! I'll catch up with your blog when I get back.
Keep enjoying yourselves!
Lots of love xxx
Sian And Fin
Hey guys,
Just so you know, some of the reef photos were given to us on disc, but we've only included the things that we saw. We did take our own photos with an underwater camera, but it was an old fashioned one that took film so we can't upload them!
Alan & Linda
Hi Guys
just viewed your latest photos. Interesting company your keeping........ all those creepy creatures both on land and in the sea. Jealous just seeing your tans develope we've just about forgoten what the sun looks like!
As for rugby results .........
week one
Ire 30 Fra 21 Eng 36 Ita 11
Scot 13 Wales 26
week 2
Wales 23 Eng 15 Fra 22 Scot 13
Ita 9 Ire 38
Week 3
Fran 21 Wales 16 Scot 26 Ita 6
Ire 14 Eng 13Keep you posted on the results as they happen. Love to you both from the soon to be grandma and grandad McGregor!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Guys, Just looked at your pics, they're amazing, I hope your having the most amazing time, it looks like your seeing some absolutely beautiful places.
I bought my ticket the other week and looking at your stuff/site has made me so excited......
Keep safe and have many wonderful adventures,....woop
Kate xxxx
Hey guys, hope you're enjoying the rest of your aussie trip. Was great to see you both. Looking forwards to reading the blogs on the rest of your travels. I'll catch you both in July x