Hello to you both!!
Sounds like you really are having so much fun! (How many more times is that going to be said over the next few months!!)
Me and my boys are trying to work out whether we are able to meet you out in San Fransisco next year, somewhere we always promised to take ourselves, thought we might kill two birds with one stone, so to speek. Let me know when you are roughly gonna be there.
Say boo to the sharks for me!
Love you laods, totally green with envy, terribly wet wet wet here and cold.
xxxx Beth xxx
Hi Jen and David
The wow factor has certainly entered your trip - seem hard to imagine it could get better but i'm sure it will. It's great tracking your journey. I envy the diving and the beaches!! We have just had the first floods this year in Arley and Bewdley andlots of gales
Missing you, love Rose xx
that makes me jealous.!!
Hi Jen and David
How are you doing?Hope you've both recovered from the delhi belly now, liked the complementary treatment styles! Looks like the last message I posted didn't reach you - you know me and technology! The book looks brilliant Jen, hope you can see a copy soon.
Jub has arrived, its great to have her here!
Enjoy the next stage of your travels, diving pictures soon?
Lot of love
oooooh to see that diamond! it's only a bit smaller than mine you know! Sounds like your having a wonderful time I can't wait to see all the fabrics that you are bringing back and all the spices too. The place that you are going to next looks amazing, I am very very jealous of the diving that you will have! We are both fine, looking forward to Christmas and having a rest. Miss you both loads, have fun Ana xxxxx HI ANA! Hope all is well, could you forward this to Sam and get here to send her email address, as I lost it! Miss you lots too and hope you enjoy the run up to Christmas - love to Chris. Lol J x
Hi Jen
Happy birthday for last week - and David too - The pics are great we now have the family photo on the wall in PA!!
The book is in final stages - going to print this week - it looks great - a fantastic piece of work. Thanks for the addresses will distribute them as soon as I have them-lots of love from us all Rose xx
Oh yes and Happy Birthday! Woops!! XXXXXX
Hi Guys!
Just got your message board details from Beth. Glad you're having such an amazing time. My Mum spent 6 months in Kerala a couple of years ago and raved about it in the same way. Sounds outstanding. Glad David is considering the way of the veggie! You've got my backing! Good luck for the next leg and keep us up to date. All's well here, Anya has chicken pox and Gaia has decided to stop being a chav and become an emo instead! Go figure?! I'm off to Austria without the girls for a month over Christmas, doing a Yoga teacher training. Can't wait!!
Take care, Love Na xx
Sorry you sprained your ankle!
will pass on blog address on to others as requested
Ana Billingham
Hi Jen
Happy Birthday for yesturday, sorry it's late!
Hope you had a great day and are having lots of fun, the photo's are great! Keep on keeping us posted loving the updates.
Lots of love Ana xxxxxx
Jen Shukla!
Hello everyone! Thank you all so much for your birthday messages. It was great, except I sprained my ankle the night before. The farmstay gave me a cake so me and David ate the whole lot, like the pigs we are.... Nicola, could you please forward this blog to the girls as I am not sure of their email addresses. We'll update blog again very soon (perhaps from Bangalore or yderabad). Lots of love Jen x
Hi Jennifer HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAVE A LOVELY DAY- I loved the photographs of you both on the elephant. Lots of Love mumx