Shona & Nikki's big trip!
Have spent last few days in the town of Trinidad. Its a pretty town with pedestrianised cobbled streets, a lovely central plaza surrounded by colourful colonial buildings. And it is only a short taxi-ride to a pleasant beach. It's not a very large town, feels more like a village, there are alot of tourists but as it has been declared a World heritage site everything is unspoilt. The nightlife is surprisingly good as well.
We are staying in another casa particular with a really sweet couple. The mum makes us a great, healthy breakfast (with lots of mango, pinapple and other fruits) every morning and cooks delicious meals for us in the evening - so good to get some home cooking at last! Especially after our disapointment with Cuban food so far -we've been pleasently surprised with the wonderful fish dishes she's been preparing, by far the best food we've had in a long time!
Our first night here we went to the Casa de la Musica - which is in a large coutyard place surrounded by steps filled with both locals and tourists, right by the central plaza. They have a live-band every night and some great salsa dancing - sometimes they have dance shows too.
That night we bumped into the others (from Havana), which was cool, we drank plenty of rum and enjoyed the music. Afterwards we moved onto an open-air nightclub of the same name which is located in what appears to be castle walls, its pretty cool - we danced the night away to our new favorite music since being in Central America - reggaeton. It was a good night, up until some horrible creepy guy tried following us home. It seems most of the men here are equally harrassing and nasty, if not worse, than in Havana. Its a shame. Luckily we've now befriended some non-creepy guys who walk us home safely.
Anyway, the next day we went to the beach (in another one of those funny coco-taxi's - hehe!). It's nice there, unfortunately also full of pervy men. Hmmm.
The following day we went on a horse-riding trip. We totally didn't know what to expect as the guy we're staying with booked it and he doesnt speak any English at all- so it was all a great surprise!
First of all we were picked up by a horse and cart(!) and taken to our horses, then we rode to the national park. The ride was a bit scary as they were actually galloping this time! It was really fun though. Then we got off and went for a walk along a nice trail that went through the woods in the mountains, over steppings stones and wobbly wooden bridges crossing streams untill we arrived at a small but lovely waterfall which you could swim under and around. The water was freezing but refreshing.
Afterwards we rode back another way - the horses went even faster and the paths were really muddy so we got filthy! We rode through woods, fields, banana plantations, and streams! It was really cool, although we are still aching and Im pretty bruised from the horses thrashing us around!
In the evening we went back to the Casa de la Musica again and had a little boogie.
The next evening we went to a night-club in an even more amazing location, a natural cave! The venue is great, you go down steps deep into the cave and through a tunnel to the dance floor and bar, right at the top of the cave is the DJ booth looking down. There was a bit of a strange selection of music; salsa, reggaeton, trashy dance and hip-hop. But we still managed to dance for the most of the night.
Today we're going to sort out moving on to Santiago de Cuba for carnival! Yay!
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