Hi you two ,seams ages since last writing but certainly enjoying the Narrative and pictures ,I must say Paul some, in fact most are spectacular and highlighting the full story,of your trip so far.Pam and I had the idea of putting them up on the television and sat for ages looking at them in full HD,they were brilliant,amazing what you can do with a £5 spares or repair .LOL.sounds as though youve had a spell of sickness ,hope thats all behind you and you are back in the full swing ,keep the pictures coming just gonna put the others you sent on tele ,as they are mainly mountainous they will be most enjoyable,speak again soon enjoy ,Dave & Pam
Hello there! Hope you are both feeling better. Sounds like you are not letting the ailments stop you anyway! Stunning photos as usual! Wasn't sure about the butchers but the ones of wildlife and local people are great. Sheryl, you looked not too happy on that elephant! Weather here sunny and cold, soon be March and Ang, Helen and I are getting ideas for some days out. Will tell you all about our adventures... although ours won't involve elephants I should think! Keep having fun. Love Jan xx
This day, reading your blog and pics, I am not too envious....but only because the weather here in Manhattan is glorious sunshine with a mild temperature. I shall give you a wave from 37000 feet next week, when I fly over you, enroute to Sling-a-hore.
Just as well your usual robust constitution is seeing you through this icky spell you're suffering, Sheryl. x
Great blogs sis although I don't want to hear stories about my sister's contraceptive pills! :P I am gradually catching up with the blogs and the photos are stunning! I'm all moved in to the new flat now and everything is great in Liverpool. I even did my own washing the other day... Will message again soon ! See you both not so soon. Neil x
Hotel looks lovely. Hope you feeling better. Take it easy! xxxx
Sounds fascinating, pictures of baby elephants delightful but sad to hear about poor mama elephant. You are certainly are experiencing diversity in all it's colours and thank you for sharing it with us. Weather here dreary so enjoy the lovely warmth xxx
Hi guys! Really enjoying your travels so far. Looking at everest from your bedroom window must take your breath away it looks spectacular. Your photos are educational too, because I had no idea there were rhinos on the Indian subcontinent! I thought they were only in Africa. Should pay more attention to David Attenborough! Hope your both well and breathing cleaner air than Katmandu which I always imagined to be some sort of paradise with fountains and peacocks! Xx
Me again! Photies of wildlife cool, so cute! Even the crocks! You both look like you really are having fun. Your blogs are getting me through a rather cold and dismal spell. Hopefully spring not too far away! will get moving with our blog soon .... promise! take care and "speak" soon xxxxx
Ignore Lynn saying we won't babysit i can become your full time nanny!,30k a year and I'm all yours!!!!! Gald you managed to wash your smalls..................
Hi there! So glad you are rescued from your luggage hell. Posts made me laugh and as always the descriptions of where you are are great. Although the description of the water and the smells makes me wonder how you keep those curries down! Keep having a wonderful time. I'm off tomorrow to look at baby clothes. lol. Jan xx
Amazing photos and narrative. Feel like I am experiencing it with you from the comfort of my armchair! Keep it coming, can't wait fir next blog xxx
Photos amazing already - what a nightmare over the cases - yes, I too was more worried about was happening under the jeans!