Your photos are fab looks like you really had a good time getting soaked and Simon looked like he loved his water pistol!
Hope your feeling k Sell after your mum and dad left, bet it was hard. I was thinking of you yesterday because knew it was there last day!
Really hope you enjoy the start of your adventure and be careful! Oh and Shell hope you manage with that bag!!!
Look after yourselves and speak soon
lots of love leanne xxx
Hey you two.
Your photos are fab looks like you really had a good time getting soaked and Simon looked like he loved his water pistol!
Hope your feeling k Sell after your mum and dad left, bet it was hard. I was thinking of you yesterday because knew it was there last day!
Really hope you enjoy the start of your adventure and be careful! Oh and Shell hope you manage with that bag!!!
Look after yourselves and speak soon
lots of love leanne xxx
Mum And Dad
hi kids, it has only been a couple of hours since we said goodbye but we are missing you both so much. Have a great journey and keep safe. Making the most of our last few hours before going to airport. tons of love.
Jane And Lindsey
Hi Michelle and Simon
Its been great to read all your news, so not to write sooner - took me a while to work out what to do! Linz is fine, she has just passed her Sgts exam so is dead chuffed as pass rate is only 29%. We all feel very sad at moment as good friend and neighbour of mine died suddenly last week. Hope you mum and dad enjoyed their trip - give them our love. Take care and have fab time Jane xxx
Simon And Lucy
Hello you two,
Hope all is well it sounds like your having a great time!
Must admit Kingys tatoo joke actually raised a smile! makes a change hey? ha ha!
Enjoy the sunshine we wont be getting away this year with Lucy and the bump to save for! will email you a pic of the scan of mini me and you will see it for real next time we all get together!
Have a Singha for me! Take care Si and Lucyxx
Dave Harland
That 30p soup looks amazing!
Hope you two are having a good laugh while we're all grafting in England like mugs.
Tan's coming along kearney you African Queen... makes you even more of a hunk! Just make sure steer clear of those ladyboys unlike the last time you went travelling in the summer of 2002 eh!! only joking shell.
All the north end crew went to brownriggs do the other week, had a boss laugh, but wasnt the same without you mate.
But I'll wipe my tear away now, bid you sawatdee and just say, "I'm deeeeeead jealous".
Drop me a longer email when you get a chance si - tell me all the juicy bits that are censored on a family message board (as if) - and ask the old dear who makes that soup for the recipe.
Dave x
Andy & Max
Hello you two, good to see both enjoying yourselves, hope mum & dad are buying all the beer. some great photos. take care and see you later in the year hopefully
love Max & andy
Sexy Ste
Hiyaaaaaa Shell & Si. Just looked at the photies and they look good. Songkran looks good fun as well. Need to get out there nxt year for that.
Stay looking healthy and i'll speak to you better through email.
luv ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Michelle
Glad to hear everything is going ok - I am so very jealous! Give a big kiss to my Dad for me - I am sure he'll be most grateful for it!!
Take care and I will keep visiting this page for the updates. Heswall misses you!
Love Jo xxx
Stu Wilson
Hey whats up ?Whats this tattoo i hear about ?You will have to Thai and send me a picture of it...hahaha
Glad to hear your having fun...carefull of those lady boys simon, we know you like them !
From me
Cousin Stu
Hello you two
glad to hear your both enjoying relaxing still and glad your mum and dad arrived safelyShell.
Ive just got back from skiing, it was fab and really strange skiining in the snow but it was 25 degrees!! had a great time and no injuries!! oh apart from one incident with a chair lift but nothing major ha ha!!!
Hope to see some of your photos soon and say hi to Gaz and Ali
Will speak to you soon and take care
miss you loads
lots of love leanne xxxxxxx
ps, shell send a photp of the cleggend luck alike!!! need to show her ha ha xx
hey guys, glad to hear you are having fun!
how's your tan coming on shell,my little sun worshipping buddy?!
Si, have also backed the horse "simon" in the grand national in honour of you!