hi sez and salt,
looks like you are having an amazing time!! i have sent a message once, but i cant find it on the board, so who knows!!
just wanted you to know that we are thinking of you.
sounds like you've had a few prickly incidents!!!(JUST BE CAREFUL!!) SORRY ITS JUST THAT IM A MUM AND GET VERY OVER PROTECTIVE!well over and out for now just keep doing what you know is best!
love to you both
bex, rob and hats
Good to see your still alive. Long may that continue.
I can't work out from the photos whether you are actually in Brazil or Abersoch.
See you soon, Matt.
so, i have an assessed seminar in two hours, two more seminars tomorrow, another on friday and a 3,000 word essay to hand in next week.
hmmm, don't think i have much more to say than 'grrr'
you rotters!
little sister lovin' to you both,
xx xx xx
(ps. don't forget - safety first!)
Hey girls
I love ur pics, especially sez when your reading your book, looks like ur having a good time. I will try and keep up to date with you both. Wales is the same nothing to repot from here. Take care andspeak to you soon xxxxxxx
Hello my beatiful friends!!!
Cant believe that you're both over there!!!!AAArrrgh! its so strange...but also amazing!! Wish i was with you..! I hope that you're having a fandabidosi time, and I cant wait to see your pictures! Anyway, thinking of you both loads, miss you more!!
Have a fantastic time, you both deserve it,
Speak to you soon,
loads and loads and loads of love
To my 2 very special friends,
Wow! I can't believe that the 5th of November is actually here! Not only are there going to be fantastic fireworks across Cardiff tonight but two very lucky girlies are going to be flying over to South America in apx. 7 hours! I am so excited for you both!
You're going to have an amazing experience full of excitment, fun, joy, tears, some lows, LOADS of highs and are going to come home in 12 months time with mind-blowing, hair-raising stories that will make us all green with envy!
Well, the most exciting thing about this message is that I will be joining you in Spring '07 in Australia and I CANNOT WAIT!! So if anyone is reading this and feels like contributing to my Newly-Estblished charity; 'Help Get Sara To Australia To Join Sez And Salty Fund', please feel free, cheques can be addressed to me personally!!! ;o)
So here we are, finally here. Enjoy your time away, look after yourselves and each other and I cannot wait to see you in Sydney airport and I will be expecting the biggest hug in Australia on my arrival!! Well over and out for now, see you Down Under!
Much love to you both, you will be in my thoughts are prayers daily,