So I made a list, checked it twice and thought about all the things I'd left behind.A couple of beers courtesy of the carron family to settle the nerves and then off to bed for a quick siesta before the adventure began on a cold wednesday morning. One last fry at Belfast airport and I was off. I placed my absolute trust in the baggage handlers to take my 15.6kg bag of everything all the way to Lima without any further involvement from me - thankfully they did me proud! 30 short hours later and I was in sleepy Peru. The weather (and my first shower) was cold and wet but the people were warm and friendly.
I quickly learnt the value of looking left and right (and repeating as necessary) before crossing the busy roads. There's no debating the fact that the roads in the capital are a big bag of crazy with; a constant chorus of horns sounding, bus conductors literally hanging out the back of their vehicles shouting above the din of the busy city and cars continually weaving across each others' paths, but the organised chaos seemed to work - we didn't witness any accidents and there didn't seem to be any real agro in the way the locals drove, always yielding in just the nick of time to avoid a crash and working together to make sure everyone got to where they wanted to be in one piece.
The coastline was a short walk from our hostel; large cliffs overlooked the stoney beaches filled with surfers below, I saw para gliders, a mini replica of Christ the Redeemer donated by Brazil and a neat looking black and white lighthouse. My rather unsuccessful attempts to hold a conversation in Spanish were all the encouragement I needed to vow to try a little harder to get to grips with this most appealing of languages. It was a welcome sight to see the 2 now surely bi-lingual Peters arrive at the hostel on my second night.
So next to Huacachina for sand surfing and cold beer. I'm not sure it'll compete with that time at Whiterocks with Ace and Swayze but here's hoping. Todo bien! Let the good times roll....
- comments
Paul O'Hea good stuff lad, everything set in motion then, hopefully no gravy bum or mossy massacres yet in peru! sounds class. And who knew you actually had such a quality writing style! iontach maith mo chara
Anthony Quinn Sounds good Sean!! Jammy git. Wish I were you. I'm just counting down the days to going back to work on thurs after almost 2 months off. That sounds so much more appealing than what you probs av planned for the next few months! ; p Enjoy!! & make sure to keep outta don't want to be finding yourself in any of those big houses like oul Tommy Mc Fadden from Marching Powder!
Sonia Asensio Abellan Sounds fantastic so far...! Next time u plan a round the world trip with some Spanish speaking countries to b visited u should maybe let me know with a few months time and I can help with the language ;O) I'm going to EP in couple days, wooohoooo!! Nothing to compare with your current experiences but I'm sure you will feel at least a little smiggle of jealousy ;OP Aye right!!! Keep us posted, your writing is so very ejoyable :O) stay save!