The day finally came to go on our travels. I honestly felt like the day was never going to come. We had been talking about it for so long, but it just felt like a conversation piece. Now we were actually going, we were so scared, but really excited too.
I got a wake up call from my mum at 7am and I peeled myself out of bed and threw some clothes on. I hadn't been out of bed that early for an awful long time!
Outside everything looked so quiet and eery, I couldn't believe that this was the last time I would see my family for a very long time. I had a breakfast of bacon, sausage and egg - I found it hard to hold back the tears as the rellies frittered about the place.
Adam and his dad arrived at the house about 7.45am and I knew the time had come to say goodbye. I said my last goodbyes to my parents and my little brother Matt. I was so upset, but I knew we were going to have the best time.
We were dropped off at the station and we said our goodbyes to Phil, Adam's dad, and then caught a train to Euston. Adam's old flatmate, Tim, and his friends met us at the station and we went for a drink or three... We again said our goodbyes and caught the tube to Brixton to meet Jamie and Emma. The pints had given me a little dutch courage to take on the massive escalators. I am petrified of massive tube escalators.
It was lovely to Jamie and Emma, we dropped off our bags and went for lunch in this lovely wee pizza place in Brixton market. I enjoyed staying in Brixton alot, I'd never been, but it seemed like a nice place and Jamie and Emma's flat was gorgeous.
After lunch we went for a few more pints in the Scottish local, Hootenanys. and then we went back to flat and Jamie thrashed us Super Smash Brothers on the Wii. It isn't hard to beat a character like Jigglypuff. I love jigglypuff....
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