Hi Sarah, Your mum is here with me and we are about to look at your photo's. Hope you are having a good time and hope you are feeling better now and eating plenty. Love Carol
Hi Sarah, Considering you took very little in the way of clothes, your wardrobe seems to have grown quite a bit...haha. The new pics are great, it's nice to see you looking well again. Everyone is asking how you are and all send their love. Speak to you soon. Love & miss you xxxxx
hi Sarah,
are you comming back at anytime? no don't blame,you it's been hailstones here todayPhil now no longer looks like a ladyboy, but cousin IT off the adams family (only jokeing)
he's been to the butcher barber in Oakengates and now has really short hair. So in my favorite place now eh! i would like to move there if i could so you'll have to fill us in on all the info, have a great time speak soon. love Deb Phil & Dan. x x x x
Heyy (: Hope Your having a really good time!! Wish i was there Sounds well fun better than here anyway! Baywatch next then sarah? See You when You get back Thats if you decide to come back To england haha!! :S Love Georgia xx
Cant believe your away for a year! Bet your having an amazing time! Not missing much here that i can think of! I have purple hair, thats about it lol!
Take Care xx
Jane Jones
Hi Sarah
Glad you arrived safetely in Australia you lucky thing sounds like you are having a great time.
Went up to your mums wednesday had a few drinks for her birthday. nothing much happening here weather terrible. Anyway take care look after yourself love Jane xx
Rachel Davidson
hi sarah just looked at all your pics your so lucky !!! experiences most people can only dream about !! take care and keep on enjoying .
love rach ,pete mitch and morg xxxx
Hi everone, just to let you know that Sarah has arrived safely in Melbourne and is having a great time. You must all be wondering where she's got to. (We all need to see some new photos)
Hello u x. Wont be long till you get to oz and meet your friends and think you'll feel much better then.Not missing much here, has been really bad rain and wind and there's a load of rubbish on the tele (lol).Everyone is enjoying reading your blogs and are all very jealous.Keep your chin up chuck. Love and miss you loads. Mum xx
Destiny Tracey
been looking at your photos it look great but all the people you are with look to old to be students hope you are ok and are looking after your self nan says i speak my mind buy for now lots of love dest
Hi Sarah, This is the first time i have had the chance to take a look at your adventure and BOY does it look like you are having a good time. Lexi and megan were really jelous when they saw the pictures of you with the tigers as they look so cute....Yeah not so cute when you loose a hand!!!
I hope you continue to have a great time and many more unforgettable experiences.
Take care love scott, lex and megan xx
Jenny, me and your mom here, reporting from Sunny Telford. Mom and your mom on the rose. Been looking at your pics, all looks very exciting, i think mom wants to come and join you dancing on the tables. (Taurus united)lol Hope your having a fab time. Wish i could ride a elifpant like Dan.