Well the time has nearly come for you to make the dreaded journey back to Stoke on Trent (the mecca of the universe), ha ha. Im sure part of you cant wait.
I am sooooooooooooooo excited for your return & have gave myself a whole weekend off from revison, so cant wait to see you both (even though we will probabaly have to make a reservation) ha!
So I wonder what the first thing you will want to eat or drink when you get back, im guessing a proper cuppa & a bacon buttie!! mmmmm
Hope you have a safe trip & as you descend through the thick clouds in Manchester, dont worry all you have got to say to yourself is "I will soon be standing in Brassingtons on Friday night" - ha ha
See you Friday with lots of hugs & kisses
Luv ya!!!!!
Teague x x x x
Hi girls!
Brilliant photo's.....i liked the pictures of you both actually doing a bit of hard work (climbing!), i am impressed....very 'Lara Croft'! How amazing was that hotel??!!! Wow! Not sure i'm loving the insects though, eeewwwwwww!
My stomach is doing lots of somersaults for your return . Not long to wait now!!
Kiss, kiss, kiss love Jayne xxxxxx
Joseph And Kay
hello girlies,hope all of you are ok.Sarah, di you have a nasty snake around your neck?yukkkkkkkk.Have a safe journey home,bet you cant wait to see some real hunks,ha ha.Your uncle joey is ok and still a pain in the a---.Hope to see you soon -TAKE CARE.xx
. xx
Jackie Mason
Hello Girls,
just caught up with the blog, I have been smiling, sniffing and laughing out loud. Your photos are brilliant. Can't wait to hear all your tales, looking forward to seeing you soon, take care and have a good journey home,
love Jackie and Dave
Fanny Annie
hi girls after speaking to you for an hour on skype then sitting looking at pics and reading blog i feel quite exhausted,the blog is great as usual,we are all waiting to hear the stories all a little exaggerated ,sa exaggerate ! never.Oh! Sa Vikki its no use topping the tan up (they have been useing oil on thier legs today )its far to cold to go into Newcastle with a short skirt on you will need jeans and boots ,love you count down,now three days.annie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi girls, so so so looking forward to you coming home, cant wait to spend the weekend with you and give you bigs hugs. love the blog as always and wish i was with you as always. have a safe journey home, i'll try to get lots of rest so im ready to be kept up all night hearing your stories!!!!
enjoy your last few days before your back to reality, sorry the weather is going to be s***e, its turned to winter overnight, think we've missed the autumn season but that wont surprise you!!!!!
well love you lots, see you on fri arrrrhhhhh yey cant wait!!!!!!
love amesxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jørgen Vero
Hello from Ko Lanta
Hi Vikki and Sarah, time has come and I'll be leaving Ko Lanta, where we met some weeks back.
Thanks for the great time that we spend together. I enjoyed it very much. Especially the diving (seeing the Whale shark, Leopard Shark and many other animals that are living their life in the sea) and my birthday party with the cake, at the beach bar where all were dancing on the bar desk - Vikki and you did it well.
I do hope you had a fine trip to Bangkok and had the time to go to Ko Samet.
The weather down here is almost like high Season. Hot, Hot and very hot weather and no wind.
Yesterday we managed to go to "Ko Ha" for another dive. Excellent visibility, much better than what we had at "Bida Nai" and "Bida Nok" Islands. I would say something like 25-30 meters or even more.
Darin and Nit are both in Puket seeing if they can find some employees for their "Castaway Resort"-staff who can speak English. Paco is there as well for having 'Dive and Relax' speed boat back to Ko Lanta after ordinary maintenance service.
Today Bianca, Matheo - alias Spiderman - and I went to the "Same same but different" restaurant today having some lunch at the beach restaurant. It is located at the same bay where we had a rest with the Tuck-Tuck. The road to there was going much up and down. More than at the view point where you went up, and it was quit bumpy, so the choice not to go there with the Tuck-Tuck was very good.
It feels like a little strange leaving this Island in October (autumn in Europe) and all are preparing for the high season that starts in November. I'm more use to have cold or rainy winter at that time, at home, in Europe.
Cheers, Good Luck to both of you. See you next time.
The lucky Diver, from Denmark.
Angie Pangie
Where the hell has the time gone girls?! Can't believe you're back on Wednesday. Unfortunately I'll not be around to welcome you home as I will be in hospital and doubt very much I'll be up for a night out when I get out, so you'll have to come visit me in my sick bed. I can't wait to see you Bear! Hope you've had an amazing time (of course you have).
Love you lots, Angie Pangie x x x
Wow i have just spent the afternoon catching up and going thru your blog entries. It's absolutley amazing what you have all achieved what a fabulous experience. I cant wait to see you, i think you should be so proud of yourselves, i have problems finding my way around Hanley. Have a safe journey and see u soon xxx
Fanny Annie
hi Girls enjoyed reading blog,dont know how i have found the time, washing ironing,filling up the freezer and cupboards with your favorite food and DRINK,your wardrobe and bedroom spick and span,so excited,see you on Wednesday.P.s you had better finish the blog before you get home you still have lots to catch up on,will not feel the same writing it in rainy,windy Stoke .take care enjoy last few days love you anniex
Johnny Morrall
HI girls Brill blog, take care on your last few days,see you on Wednesday. johnny
More amazing pics.Its a good job you have done this blog you can always look back on all the lovely places you have been.not long now untill you are back it seems like forever as it gone quick for you.Bet mum and dad cant waitTake care of yourselves.See you soon