It sounds like you are getting really into this travelling lark- oh apart from the luxurious accomodation and blowing the budget! I can't believe it's been a month and you have seen so much. Vietnam will be fantastic. Especially as Martha was made in Vietnam- ha ha!! We are all really happy here, but not having quite so many adventures as you. Please let us know where you will be for your birthday- we might even fly out for the day (I am off work Mondays and Thurdays!!) We are all missing you loads and please continue to look after each other- even your new mate Carol!
Loads o Love & Martha cuddles
The Treths x x x x
Ann Dale
Hi Sarah We are all missing you here at Blurton. I am going to see Vilma again next week and will remember you to her. She is very brave and says she was sick of being miserable and is trying not to waste her time doing that!Her words not mineShe's an inspiration to us all. Her wig is fabulous. Glad you are enjoying your trip and hope you are not drinking too much Vodka Lime and Soda!!! Leave that to me. Went to the Hairdressers the other day and had a wonderful head massage of a handsome young man and a bottle of white wine. that is what I call service. Lots of love Annxxxx
Laura And Tay
hi mate just got yr postcard through the post today, tay was over the moon. glad you are having loads of fun the places look amazing. tay went stoke football club and got a cup for player of the course and a stoke city footballer handed to him(wish i put my make up on that day) i could not stop crying. nic and the baby are doing fine she is really showing now. things are same as with me no f***ing change. glad u are all having fun love u loads laura and tay x x x x x x x x
Val & Mo
Hi Sarah n girls, just caught up on your exploits as have been away for Easter. I feel as if I've been in Thailand for the last hour, missed Emmerdale and Coronation Street but who cares. You all look great and the scenery is fantastic, you are really seeing life from all sides and visiting the most strange places....what are pingpong tables doing in a sex bar? Looking forward to the next installment, take care lots of love Val n Mo x
Hi ladies!
Me again!!! Just to say thanks for the blog, it's great to hear what you have been up to . I think it sounds like you really deserved to stay in a bit of luxury for a change!!
I've now downloaded Skype, got a webcam and nearly smashed my laptop into little pieces when after 2-3 hours of trying to connect the two I couldn't get it to work . Fear not! I will not be beaten!!!
Have fun!!!!!
Jayne xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi steph looked at the pics you all look like your havin agreat time,missing you loads saw jet sitting on your window sill the other day so strange your not there,any way take care keep up with the adventures and dont do anything i wouldnt do.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jackie M
Hi Girls, Hello sarah.
Looks like you are all having a great time, eating, drinking, and eating and drinking again. No changes there then Sarah? Do they give out a health warning 'do not to try this at home' when they smoke with their 'foofs'. I am worried about Fanny Annie too. I will keep an eye out for smoke circles across the road, (not a good example for Martha). Do you think I should get some nicotine patches for her to wean her off, Fanny Annie I mean, not Martha?
Missing you loads, my feet are just about coping. Angie Pang is poorly at the moment, off work with bad chest and throat. Dave is having his polyp removed (from his voice box) today too, Take care and can I ask if you will take a few more pics of scenery please. I know I'm a pest. Will try to find you on Skype Sarah. All the best to you all.
xxx Jackie and Dave, the Masons and Nana Pud.
hey girls love the pics,
ha did you have to pay for that pic with the lady boys they tried charge me i said i should be charging you!!.cheeky begger.
i loved them pancake stands i lived off them, with loads of nutella on yummm.
love ya
Hi Sarah,
Really enjoy reading your adventures. Sent a message to your e.mail - hope you got/get it okay - you know what I'm like - pressing the wrong buttons!! Take care. Love, Hugs & Squishes, Maggie.
Hi Sarah and girls, Pictures are great, bites look awful and painfull,looks like your having a great time,not missing much here, only snow,wind, and is ace keep it coming, thinking of you, lots of love Les..xxxx
Hi Sar & Vik,
Great to catch up on your latest adventures - you seem to be having many! and loved the pics, i have a great surge of jealousy when i see them cuz i wish i was with you, but you all look well so the travelling and roughing it cant be too tortorous (spelling???)!!!!
Great speaking to you sar, i love this skype now, hopefully will be able to get a cam for next time speak to you, sorry missed speaking to you vik but you were busy sorting out the flights for everyone - glad to see someone sensible taking charge - well done!!!
Well still missing you loads - feels like you've been gone ages, not much has changed here, the weather is s***e as usual and we didnt even get any snow!!!!
Speak soon, take care, love amy & James xxxxxxxxxx
Hope all is still well and your wounds are healing nicely! I've downloaded Skype and ordered a webcam with a microphone built in (my laptop hasn't got one so can't even ring until that arrives ). Can't wait until i can actually see you, yey!!!! I think it will be here Sat/Mon.
Me and Natalie joined the gym on Monday and it is now Wednesday and we still haven't been haha. What's new?!!!
Just put a sloppy guiseppe in the oven wishin you were here to share it with me!!!!!!