Sounds like you are having an amazing time and thats pretty good going staying clear of the sunburn! The sun is shining here, supposed to be 22°C today. Wooo!!
Look forward to hearing from you
take care xxx
Liz & Lil J
Hello missus, love the pics, looks like ur having an amazing time out there.
Still no baby! Full term now though so hopefully she'll arrive in the next couple of weeks.
Miss u loads, chat soon xx
Sarah And J
Photos are great! Missing you x
Clare Duke (And Mum And Dad)
Hello sarah :) cant believe your actually on the other side of the world atm! not much news from home...every1 is fine and happy etc...
me cath and my mum r going 2 liverpool this weekend with my nan...(auntie ann to u) i cant wait, was meant to be saving my money but am currently skint...oh dear! in the midst of my GCSE's and its worse then i thought it would be :( cant wait 4 my 10 week summer prom and just having no worries :)
I am loving ur photos! Love you lots Clare xoxoxox
Sarah And J spelt 'adventure' wrongon your homepage. Sorry! It's the teacher in me. And J called you a twazzick! xxx
Sarah And J
Hey Love! How are you? We miss you loads already! Things are grand here. I hope you have your keyring with you!!! Keep in touch and don't email J back cause he'llnever pass the message on but I sure willto him! Keep safe and buy usa decent present for coming home with. Love you kazillions,
Sarah & J xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jamie "i Am The Law" Law
Hey Sarah! Hope you're havin fun! In every place you visit, you must either steal me something or karate chop a native animal - the choice is yours! Take care of yourself and speak soon!
J & A xxx
A Nor U Mike
Thinking of you. Keep well and enjoy your trip. Message from Amy and Kevan. They will be in HK at time you are there. I have forwarded their e-mail to your Dad. Not been at home since you left. Anna been quite poorly and I stayed with her. Lots of love from all here xxx
Matthew Leach
Bye Bye Sarah,
Have fun, and remember what I told you...... Never look a monkey in the eye!! x