Wake up: 3.30am
Check in: 4.30am
Get on plane: 6.50am
Sit on runway for 40 minutes: Timeless
For the first leg of the flight, 5 hours to KL, us four travellers were lucky enough to find 4 empty seats and sit together.
I'm sure this provided easy conversation but I just slept anyway.
For our next flight we weren't so lucky, skattered throughout the plane. But before we even got on the flight to London, first we had to make a mad dash through KLs airport.
Our first flight had been delayed by 40 but thankfully our second had also been postponed by 30 minutes. This left us exactly 2 hours to collect our luggage, go through customs, check in again and go through immigration. As well as find some food.
Everything ran, including us, smoothly, except for two white girls lining up to check into a flight going to Tehran (thanks to the couple that pointed that out to us) and all of our names being called, to hurry up eating and get on the damn plane.
This has been my longest flight yet, roughly 13 hours, I proudly slept through more than half of it, despite it being day time in Perth. Although being night time when I arrive in London this may back fire.
I'm very happy and humbled to see that all flights are collecting spare change to donate to Japan.
Now once we've arrived and us four have split our seperate ways, fingers crossed my travel buddy and I can make our way to the hostel.
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