just got off 12 hour sleeper coach to hong kong. going out for plush dinner tonight thanks to ma and pa! very excited about that. will be on skype and online each night between 4-6 gmt pm each night if you want to get in touch. we are 7 hours in front. byeeee
Em cool.. i will be online hopefully.. and will borrow one of the girls laptops cus i dont have microphone here. have texted mum too so she knows. xxxxx
my name is mum hello looking forward to speaking to you tomorrow night then - just hoping I can work it as Emily not here to supervise. love woo x x x
Kitten How was that plush meal my love? I bet it was thoroughly enjoyed after that 12 hour sleeper train! This blog is ace! You both look really well and it looks like you've already made some fantastic memories. All is good in AG, I have settled in nicely and have had a Wii night - you (and your competitve sportsmanship) were missed! The weather is now rubbish here - we have had our summer and we'll like it, it seems. I will keep an eye out on here now, going to get this Hands' hands on a webcame then I'll be all over Skpy like a tramp on chips. Miss you both immensely xxx