Set off for Waitomo today, stopped at Te Pui-thermal wonderland and kiwi experience. Got to see hot mud pools and geysers. Sat on some hot seats as well- just concrete seats but because of the heat coming from beneath the ground it warms them up! Then got to try some poy dancing (balls on strings, now done by women but the men used to do it to keep their wrists supple for fighting). Then we did the hoky koky in maori, which was pretty funny, cant remember any of it now though. When we got to Waitomo me, Caroline, Sally, Possom and Tim (Possom and Tim are locals who had just finished pig hunting!poor pigs!!) played some pool and had a few drinks. Joe and David came and joined us later. There's nothing really to do in Waitomo apart from caving, really peacful tiny place! Great hostel again (Kiwi Paka) got a single bed again and had loads of space and a bathroom for 4 of us.
Just done th black abyssin the Waitomo caves was great fun- did 35m abseil into the caves and there was part of it that was pretty tight so had to wiggle yor way through, very cool! then did a bit of walking and then did a zipline in complete darkness and yo could just see the glow worms all around. Our group was quite small which was good from the kiwi bus there was me and 3 girls from Denmark (Cecilia, Ida and Christina) and then there was another English girl called Emily. After zipline we stopped for a hot choc n a biccie, kepp are enjoy levels going! Did some black water rafting, sat in a rubber ring and floated down the river looking at the glow worms, really relaxing once you forgot how cold the water was. Then did a couple of jumps off a waterfall, only bout 2m. Then we went on a scramble through some narrow spaces and had to use a bit of strength to pull yuorself up and get through. We then followed the river up stream, saw 2 eels n then started climbing up some waterfalls, which is pretty hard when your hands have been cold for a few hours :) great fun and there's some good photos. now really looking forward to getting to Taupo and skydiving!!! Stopped off at Huka falls for a few quick photos, so beautiful! the water is so blue and powerful, it can apparently fill an olympic size swimming pool in 4 seconds. Very impressive to see but then got rushed off to do our skydive. In my plane there was 4 of us me, David, Emma and Jenny. My instructor was Rhys n the camera guy was Damo. Didnt really get much time to think about what we were doing because we were the 1st group up. Got our jumpsuit, harness n hat on and then straight in the plane. The plane took about 20mins to reach 15000feet and obviously some great views on the way up. We had to wear an oxygen mask when we started geting higher up. I was the first person on the plane so the last one to go, just saw everyone else gong and then we got to the edge and we were gone! Really wierd feeling, it takes a while to register what your doing- which of course is falling at 200km an hour! Tried looking around and taking things in but it didnt all reaaly register it was after the parachute had been pulled at about 5000feet that you can start to take things in. It was just amazing! Then the landing was cool, your coming down oretty fast and theres 2 guys running trying to get in the right place to help Rhys hold me and the parachute when we land. Real surreal feeling after, doesn't really register what you've just done.
Hostel in Taupo is not great, the rooms are nice but theres hardly any space to pout our bags let alone get anything out. Taupo itself is really nice, didnt see any of it on the 1st day just went to supermarket, cooked and then went out for the night. I was actually one of the 1st people to go back to the hostel- I wwas shattered after my day, caving and skydiving n one day is pretty intense!! The lake in Taupo is gorgeous and is really clear, can just see everything underwater, you cant really tell from the side but then when you get in you see everything! Me caroline and David got to see the sunset over the hill next to the lake which was really beautiful, then us 3 joined by Sally went for a hot choc overlooking the lake.
Got up at 5.15 today to do the Tangariro crossing (Mt Doom and Mordor teritory)! Real early but definately worth it! It took us about and hour and half to get to the start of the walk so set off on our 18km hike about 7.15. Pretty easy path to the bootom of mount Ddom but then we reached the devils staircase!tat was a hard slog up the side of the mountain. we got as high as we were allowed to go and got some great photos. on a good day you are allowed to attempt to get to the top of mount doom but it was forecast strong winds, rain and hail. (none of which happened). we then walked across the road to mordor and started back up hill again. some great photos at the top of here, could see the other mountain behind mount doom where you can ski in the north island. the red crater was amazing, it looked like where frodo went into mount doom to get rid of the ring. all the surroundings looked familiar and could have really been used anywhere in the films. was amazed how reed the crater was didnt quite look real. we then went down to the emarald lakes, the water especially of the green lake made you just want to jump in- but not a very good idea as the mounts around are still active and the lakes are full of sulphar and you can see the gases coming out of the hills. Blue lake was pretty big to say that it was on the top of some mountains. the walk down was pretty hard and my knees were hurting after from the impact all the time. went through the forrest and the shade was nice! there some pretty streams and waterfalls in there as well. finished the walk about 1 and had to wait 2 hours for the bus. The crossing was well wprth all the effort and would definately recommend it!! the photos just dont do it justice!
I've changed hostel now and am at Buke's backpackers, a small BBH hostel and like the other small ones got a nice homely feel to it! In this one theres dvd's for you to borrow for free and the best part is free cups of tea!! :) Sue and Paul are setting off down on monday so that will be nice to see some faces from home and spend a bit of time with them, especially as strating to feel little homesick at the minute, bt will be fine :) Sue and Paul stopped in at taupo on their way to hawkes bay and was really great to see them. went for lunch on the lake front and then walked round the edge of the lake to the harbour and then back into town. really enjoyed seeing faces from back home and theyre going to stop in again on their way back from hawkes bay.
raining today so decided to hire a bike and go for a ride. decided to follow the lake around for a bit but got about 10km and then decided to turn back cos was on one of their main roads and the lorrys were giving out lots of spray and my bike didnt have any lights either. they do have proper cycle lanes, even on the main roads (motorways) but decided it was a bit too dark with the rain and clouds but enjoyed getting out and doing some exercise again. when i got back had a nice warm shower (i was freezing and soaking) and a couple of mugs of hot chocolate. had a good chat with matt one of the guys in my room, he's doing the tongariro crossing tomorrow (did actually look a bit like pipin!) so was telling him what hes got to look foward to!
beautiful day today when got up so went for a sun bathe in park, great to feel the sun again after all the rain yesterday-refreshing as it was! met sue and paul and went and had a subway then went down to the lake side and me and paul went for a swim while sue guarded our bags :) really nice in the lake again, great place to have a swim! we watched a load of kids from the yahting club get the sailing boats ready and then sail ouit onto the lake, with a little girl the last one out- to be fair think she was the last one to arrive! The bigger sail boats then had a race but didnt really understand where they were racing to! We then went to Milano's (italian restaurant) and had a really nice meal-would definately recommend it! then walked down to sue and pauls car and they loaded me up with a bag of fruit for breckie n lunch the next day- muchly appreciated! took some photos overlooking the lake and then had to say goodbye. really great to see them again and gave me a great reminder of home! got a few beers back atthe hostel and had drinks with matt, helen, ellie, rich and lota. nice quiet night.
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