Well, im back from the 3 day tour! Had an absolutely amazing time. Got picked up on Wednesday morning at 5.45am and met our tour leader, Aly. I was first pick up so bagged the front seat. Met an Irish family at the next stop. I thought they were speaking another language at first! I haven't heard the accent in so long it confused the hell out of me! By the last pick up at Haven backpackers we ended up with a bus of 21 so it was a nice small group with a number of different nationalities - German, Norweigen, Danish, Irish, English, Japanese and South Korean. We set off to Uluru first, i think it was about 500 km away but im not sure really. It was a long drive anyway! Aly was a fantastic guide though and stopped for breaks throughout the journey showing us things and telling us about the places we were going past or going to. We arrived at Uluru late in the afternoon I think (my memory is going a bit now cos we did so much) and had sandwiches for our tea i think! My goodness, my memory really is going! In fact i really cant remember what order anything was in so i might just list it!
We stayed at a nice camp site the first night. The bugs there were ridiculous though! Fecking crickets jumping at your chest and making a slapping noise when they landed on you! Oh my goodness, ive never been so freaked out in my life! Moths, grasshoppers, spiders, cockroaches (only saw one though) beetles. You name it, it was there. Whilst you tried to pee! Slept under the stars on the first night in a swag. A swag is a rolled up mattress with a cover you unzip to slide a sleeping bag in. You then zip it back up if you want and it has a cover if it rains. It was beautiful sleeping under the stars. The sky was so amazing. I really enjoyed it after being so scared about the bugs. Thankfully the flies go in when the sun sets. The flies there are so bad! I wore the sexiest fly net ever. Dee, an Irish girl i met said i looked like a terrorist with mine on cos it was black! Bloody hilarious! Got some stupid photos with it on, please dont judge me...she made me do it! haha! We saw the sunset at Uluru with champagne and nibbles. It was so busy there. Apparently Uluru has 1500 visitors a day! It was a bit of a let down for me. I couldnt see much of a change! We did go the next morning (after getting up at 4.30am!) and saw the sunrise which i preferred. We walked through the gap at Kata Tjuta to a viewing point at some point duiring the trip. I liked Kata Tjuta more than Uluru, its so different to anything ive ever seen before. Although Uluru is too i suppose! We also did walks around the base of Uluru. It was an 8.5km walk at around 7am in the morning! It took 2 hours to do but by the time we finished it was hot already. I think it got up to 41 degrees that day. We also did a walk at Kings Canyon yesterday which was 6km but took 3 hrs cos of the heart attack hill, aptly named as it was walking up rocks like steps for about 15 minutes at once. Thankfully it was cloudy in the morning when we started. There was a water hole at the half way point where we stopped but only one guy called Chris went in cos it was too cold! Typically the sun came out after our break.
Back to finish later, sorry!
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