We are writing this from our guesthouse in chiang mai. We have loved chiang mai its a really nice place, a lot less hectic than bangkok and the people are friendly and chillied out. The weather is much nicer than bangkok the majority of the time its.been between 25-30 however its starting to get hotter now!!
So we began our journey to chiang mai on the sleeper train, it wa a 15 hour journey but wa suprisingly ok cos we both had a bed and managed to sleep :-). We arrivd and headed straight to our guesthouse which has a kinda hippie vibe but is rele cool and cheap.
On our first we explored.chiang mai and visited some of the many temples. As it was sunday they hold a night market so we went to that and there was lots bargains to be had!! After that we managed to find an irish put and we spent the.night there watchin 6 nations and the footie and drinking chang!! We have decided we are going to have sunday lunch once a week (meaning a decent meal). The food at the irish pub was amazing we had pie and gravy and loved it :-). The best part of the night was watchin spurs v liverpool tho!! Hahaha.
Day two was both exciting ans scary as we headed to tiger kingdom. We went in the cage with the big cats as the little ones seemed a bit lively!! The tigers are raised by humans so are ok around peoplee but are also probbably a little sedated, despite this we realy enjoyed it as we will never come tgat close to a tiger again!!
we finished the day sunbathing by the lake and played.pool in the evening!!
On tuesday based.on sarahs research we ventured to huay tung tao lake and suprisingly got there in one piece. We agreed with the tuk tuk driver to pick us up at 5, and we were a little worried.we may be left stranded in the middle of no where but luckily he kept to his word!! The lake was lovely and vey peaceful, and the water was clear so we enjoyed swimming and chilling. On arroving home i asked sarah if i had a bite.on my back cos it was itchy to mine amd sarahs horror i had more than one but after counting had 40 back!! :-(
tomorrow we are off on a 3 day trek wish us luck and we will be in touch sooon
lots of love vicky and sarah xxx
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