Hiya! Am glad that you arrived safely and want to wish you the best time away. Sorry wasn't in touch before to wish you luck & a safe journey. Have a cracking time and we shall look forward to hearing more of your adventures. IT SOUNDS FANTASTIC!!!
Take care, Love Carolyn & Alex
PS Have a Merry Christmas!xx
Ma En Pa
I am glad you arrived safely and was able to feed the giraffes.Have a very good time.Lots of love
Ma en Pa
Jo Noakes
Hi Sandra
Lots of luck for your travels, you will have the time of your life! Look forward to seeing the photos - will brighten up a cold and dull January!
take care
Love Jo
Hallo Sandra, wat leuk dat je een blog gaat bijhouden. We wensen je een heel goede reis en zijn benieuwd naar je verhalen en foto's. Groeten van Joke en Anton.