Hi to you both, Great to hear from you. Where has your adventure taken you so far, or have you not left England yet. Will you still be in South Africa during the month of June or have your plans changed. Must say Sandy miss not having someone to share a joke with. Life has become serious. Look forward to seeing you in Cape Town.
Cheers from the gang at Windward.
Hello to you both !
Hope you have a fantastic time and Ingrid great to see you are on the fast road to recovery.
Sam Clark
Just read your leaving blog. Have a fantastic trip to Cape Town. Keep Ingrid safe for us. Have fun and take care. Look forward to the next entry.
Sam C xxx
Hello! Hope you are both well. Have you had go ahead to travel again ingrid? If so, when and where? Bye for now. xx
Claire & Andy
So pleased to hear that you are on the mend Ingrid - what an adventure indeed. Enjoy the rest of the journey.
The good news keeps on coming!
I have to ask the all important qualifying question though...does Chocywocydoodar stock Cadbury's Whole Nut slabs? Contrary to the oft aired opinion, true choccy connoisseurs will admit that none of the poncy Belgian stuff comes close!
Amanda & James
Great news to hear that you are recovering well and now can continue your exciting adventure! xx
Matt & Hils
Hi Guys, so glad to hear things are settling down and that you are able to rest and recoop in sunny old England! Matt and I would love to have you come stay with us in the Cotswolds if you fancy a change of scenery? Otherwise we'll catch up with you soon. Hils x
Home at last! So pleased to hear you have been able to travel back and that you are having such a lovely time whilst you rest yourselves ready for stage 2 of your big adventure. The hotel you stayed in looks absolutely fantastic from your photos. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Sam.... X
Drew Matthews
Glad to hear Ingrid is on the mend. All the best, Drew.
Glad you are both okay. Cornwall and Norfolk my favourite places - why not forget the rest of the world and enjoy the great UK!! Kids ok, Tay at RBS now, Elv busy, The Giants getting more gigs, Cleo making people look good. Chris hopefully having eye laser surgery tomoz!! Im good. Love to you both, Simseys.x p.s. say hello to your mum and dad for us.
Really glad to hear that Ing is well on the road to a full recovery & that you are doing very little these days! Sounds fab.