She's a cheeky b@@@@! the reason she was in a hurry to end her message so that she could spend 4 hours on MSN talking to Mr x.
Dont ya just love mum? now everyone in the world knows about me and my infamous 'lovelife', i blame vicki lol.
YOUR COMMING HOME!!!!!!! YEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i get a day off skool to come and see youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!! :P. on wednesday i gotta get an injection in skool for some horrible illness or something so i might not be alive when i come and get ya from the airport lol.
i g2g, ill write a longer message later.
cya soon!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D
luv bex.
Hi Sam, It's 3am and I have just dropped Vicki down to catch the coach to Blackpool. She is really enjoying college at the moment and is full of what they are doing there, so that's really good. Bec is busy with her love life and enjoying that so far.As for me and your Dad .....well there's not enough hours in the day at the moment. But we're just looking forward to Thursday. For us it can't come quick enough but I'm sure for you it's coming too fast. Right well I better go get some beauty sleep........I sure need it!!!!!!!!!! love you loads xxxxxxxxxxx
me again. LA is crazy! im going to spend the day at venice beach again tomorrow...went there on my tour taoday.its everything you thought it would be......way too perfect...its very clean and posh and expensive...i know practically all the road names already!!! i am staying on melrose avenue in westholly wood. been to sunset blv, roseo drive, mullholland drive, etc etc sae the hollywood sigh seen the viper room. its weird i havent sat in traffic jams for so long....they are even more annoying!!!!all the cars are shiney as and thecalssic cars are very cool!!! it sometime nice and sunny when the smog not even old enough to drink here godammit.i really wanted to go to a metal club nearby...maybe i will give it ago...although i probvably dont have the right outfits for clubbing in yuppy central!!! you can own a gun here at 18 but you cant drink!!! that just shows you!! i put too much money in this so used to internet being sooo slow it takes all the credit..her its so fast i just dont know what to do with it!!! i still cant type tho!!! i am so mad...NIN are playing here tomorrow and they have sold out!!!! im so so sad....maybe get to see someone else tho.
ok going now. see you all soon.
Yes we still look at this board! It's cool reading the messages and tracking you home! Come home and annoy us all you want! Happy Birthday Mr. Simpson!
happy birthday daddy!!! sorry i cant phone you and i just remembered we are behind you now so it maybe the day after your birthday im not sure!!! its quite expensive here in tahiti!! i going to be in LA soon...i leave here later so i will give you a ring if i can work out what tie it is.. i have been practising my french here.its just awful the small amount i can remember...i know more fijian than french..nah im not doing to bad actually...managed to get myself half way round tahiti on, local bus and le trucks and across to moorea island which is beautiful...wish i had another day to go to bora bora but hey!!!
only a week to go now. does anyone ever evne come on this anymore????? yuo must be sooo bored of me going on so much eh? dont worry soon i will be back in person to annoy you all even more!!hahahaha.
weel anyway enjoy your birthday thinking of you lots and soonwe sahll be on holiday all together again. i could moche around portugal all you like dad even hike without icecreams!!!!!
love you loads eat some chinese for me or whatever you are eating. ok bye for now je pense gotta go find something to manger on in les roulettes and then alle dans le truck to le airport de tahiti! ok bye for now...sam
gosh im so popular on this web site!!! well im going to keep writing anyway!!! rarotonga is superb we just hired a convertable car and drove around the island it was greatest!!!!muri beach is going to dive tomorrow!!! hope to a turtle and whales!!!! see you very soonxxxxxxxxxxxx
well i just typed along message but it decided to delete it self so im not writing it all again!!! you will never belive it all anyway!!!!! dad we will have to have a second birthday for you when i get no going to flute de paris or chinese without me!!!!!! have a great day!!! see you all very going to rarotonga tonight and im nearly home im on my way!!! cant wait to see you !!!!!!
much love sam
yep i will be home in 2 weeks. you will be sick of the chats having some crazy dreams at the really worried about what to expect. what to do etcetcetc but for now anyway. fiji rocks did 2 more dives on robinson crusoe i am up to 32 dives now only 28 more and i will be a dive master!!!! no probs!! ok well i will see you soo soon,......ARGH im having a leaving party tonight...kava all the way!!!! cant wait to show you these photos i have of the kids here they are the cutest....
bye 13days time!!!!!!!!!
hi simmo , miss our chats. still, only a couple of weeks now . Rawatonga looks good , they have a hump back whale & calf close to the south of the island at the moment, and a big volcano surrounded by untouched jungle. sounds like something out of a film !
love dad
last few days in going to robinson crusoe island tomorrow with my friend kelly....drinking some bounty rum and then we come back to nadi and i will be off to little time i just cant believe it...see you all soon....cant wait!!!!!
hey heather so nice to hear from you!!! i know my web site says im in sydney but im actually in Fiji and the mo!!! i just cant afford long enough on the internet to change it!!! Fiji is so amazing i love it hear so so so much. i just went to manta ray island in the yasawas for 2 nights...i swam with mata rays for 20 dollars!!!! whicxh is about....8 quid or something!!!! i have been diving and the water is just so warm.....i cant even explain how beautiful it is the water is just the bluest thing and the sunsets are just unreal....i also went to south sea takes about 7mins to walk around the island...all sand and coral...palm trees and hammocks....great off to beachcomber island in a few days and then hanging out in nadi town. the hostel is great!!!!! met some great peps too...met a girl who is on the same flight to rarotonga and so staying in same place as sure i will meet someone else in rarotonga who is going to tahiti too!!!!! just cant say enough how i love it here....the people are so cool...fiji time is the best thing in the world....basically meaning there is no time...senga na lenga means no worries and thats just how it is!!! kava (their drink) is like sleeping pills and i have slept even better than i would normal (didnt think that was possible!) everyone just naps in the afternoon and its just soooo cool...i nearly stepped on a geko earlier poor thing...we did crab racing last night and limbo and musical chairs on the beach.....i discovered a new band called the kavaholics who are awesome they are playing in our hostel on friday....songs like......please dont touch my papaiya or whatever!!!awesome bro!!!! its all like reggae so tanned right now its great and i got some of my hair braided for like 2 dollars!!!!! everyone is soooooooooogreat!!!! when you drive along in the bus everyone in the villages shouts BULA and waves.....going to hopefully do a shark dive on beachcomber too........ok the only bad thing about here is that my clothes stink.......bad i need to go to a laundrette!!!!! its so hot in the so hot.....air conditioning in nadi feels great cus the islands dont have any....mosquitoes is the only other thing they seem to love me alot.....but hey on the bright side of life i would have them over bed bugs any day!!!!! ok what else can i get the picture tho eh???? just superb paradise islands not even too touristy...i cant even tell you......tomorrow im going to wash clothes and maybe think about gong for a swim in the pool (YES EVEN IN THE HOSTEL THERE IS A POOL!!!!!) ok gotta go times up on the internet...its quite expensive and so is phoning hope ya all sweet as cuzzies...luv ya!!!!!