Hello there my lovely boy, glad you are having a great time. I missed you at Christmas, just wasnt the same. Take care. Its bloody cold here. When we were at Massey Brook Bonnie fell in the freezing pond!! Poor thing badly shaken but ok. Love you Mummsie x
Hello my lovely boy,
Happy Christmas to you! I love you and miss you sooooooo much. I am soooooo proud of you. Send my love to all at your end. Love Mummsie x
Uncle Mark
Looks cool, hope you have a fab christmas and make the most of you're adventures and look after those ladies.......
Good luck on first Kiwi Experience trip
Auntie Susan
yes - it's the other one, from Vancouver.
Well done Sammy on embarking on your adventure. I will be excited to read your blog. Lucky you to be in Sydney - I loved it there. I'm sure you will check out Bondai Beach.
Have fun, love Auntie Sue
Good Day Mate
Hows it going down under? been to a beach yet? its same old same old here, even though it actually snowed on sunday. Yeh u gotta love the cold! how was the flight over?